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E2 'The House'

You don't just own a land just to own it, you'd intend to build on it, right??? Well, here's where the php  scripts come in.

Simply put you can't build a php website without a php script, same way you can't build a house without bricks, cement & other neccessities. If you're a die-hard coder like E.B.A , softaculous or auto-installer wouldn't really interest you, but they are ideal for quickening setting up a php website. A php script is either licensed with monthly or a one-time fee or it's an open source script, we wouldn't really be discussing about the paid scripts but examples are; Jcow social networking script, Xenforo Forum script, last time I checked, Jcow costs $219 that's either almost or N40,000 , I'm sure you're currently shouting ''FORGET IT!'' .

[Softaculous&Auto installer are websites softwares which render php scripts installation with a click. However, they are not the only website softwares that serve the purpose as their are others such as scriptaculous, but in from my view, they are the most popular.]

Auto installer, available on free hosting, bring to you a variety of scripts for auto installtion, ranging from forum scripts to blogs, e-commerce an a few more.

Auto installer is way much more than easy to use. After getting your account @ a freehost, create a hosting account with account, switch to the cpanel of the newly created account, click 'auto installer' choose your desired script, fill in the details[usuall just your desired username for your site and password, but if you want to install the script in a sub-folder[or directory], write folder[directory] name in the first text box & click install, that's it, a database will be auto-created & necessary sql tables will be set up. Now all you need to do is go to your site, login & commence modification, virtually almost all scripts offered by auto-installer do not require ftp login for modification except when you want to change logo. Some of the scripts available are punBB,phpBB,myBB,Os-commerce,PivotX...

It also offers Jcow that would work without $219 payment, but it has crazy limitations, e.g 100 members limit, and more.

Last time I checked, Softaculous is available only on Paid hostings.

Maybe I'll drop an article later on custom scripts.


We'll discuss about the Address[Domain name] in E3

I'm not known, not even by myselft,

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