1. It is better to get very close to Jesus than getting too intimate with anyone.
2. The one who is really heading towards heaven will not stumble and fall over every little peeble in the wayside, but will make stumbling-stones stepping stones for higher heights in Christian living.
3. Liberty in Christ is freedom from the entanglements and chains of sin and freedom in Christ does not give people a right to do as they please, but the power to do as God pleases.
4. Do not judge your spritual stature by your neighbour, your wife, your husband. God deals with individuals.
5. Take heed what you think! You let your thoughts run loose and the next thing you know is you tongue will be running loose and worst of all your heart will be running loose.
6. When a person gets to thinking that he is doing well and travelling along fine, he is due for a PUNCTURE and he will get it! Inspite of his efforts to promote himself he will always be in the backgrounds.
7. Those who do things that count never stop to count them.
8. There are pleasures which are not sinful but may be weights which impede progress.
9. The straight and narrow way has the lowest accident rate.
l0. The future is as bright as the promises of God.
ll. The only One who can blot your name out of the Book of Life is the One who wrote it there - God.
l2. If our face is set as a flint Heavenward, we are going to look in no other direction.
l3. Obedience to God is the secret of the favour of God upon our lives.
l4. If your light is under a bushel, you set it there yourself.
l5. Some Christians make mountains of mole hills and then spend their life-time climbing them.
l6. Think of eternity! It will stretch out for millions and billions of years - then it has just begun. There is an eternal lake of fire, prepared for the devil and his angels and for all who end their lives in sin.
l7. Sin spreads a snare for the soul; and the worldly-wise walk right into it.
l8. Many hope to get out of their misery by taking their own lives; but their misery has just begun.
l9. Not what we gain, but what we give measures the worth of the life we live.
20. Things do not turn up in this world until somebody turns them up.
2l. Two marks of a Christian: giving and forgiving.
22. If people speak ill of you, live so that nobody will believe them.
23. When was Enoch translated? While he was walking with God.
24. Don't make consecrations with your lips that you cannot prove by your life.
25. All the excuse-makers were excused and were excluded from the Lord's feast.
26. Sprituality is the sunshine of God in the soul.
27. If our religion doesn't save us in this world it will not save us in the world to come.
28. Reputation is what people think of you; character is what God and angels know of you. Character is what you are when you think nobody is looling.Remember, it is character - not reputation - that really counts.
29. Watch the conversation! If we let the tongue run around we'll soon find our heart doing the same thing.
30. He that lives without God dies without hope.
31. TRUTH is in Jesus Christ: Be wise enough to know it. Be humble enough to believe it. Be brave enough to declare it. Be spiritual enough to love and live it.
32. Decisions are made constantly; because of them we are better or worse today than yesterday.
33. Be patient enough to live one day at a time as Jesus taught us, letting yesterday go, and leaving tomorrow till it arrives.
34. Whenever a man is ready to uncover his sins, God is always ready to cover them with His Blood.
35. It is not hard for the one who has a will to do the will of God to know what the will of God is.
36. My heart is fixed to do God's will; Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.
37. Some may be wishing for the battle to be over, but Joshua was looking for a longer day in which to fight against the enemies of the Lord.
38. People may go to hell laughing, but there will be no laughing in hell.
39. Be sure to think of the future; for that's where you will spend the rest of your life.
40. Dead souls are satisfied with a dead religion; living souls require a living God.
4l. Nothing can inspire faith more than to believe that God Himself is speaking.
42. It is never safe to trifle.
43. Get right with God and everything else will drop into line.
44. We are going to reap the harvest in the end if we sow the seed in the beginning and follow it through.
45. A spiritual hunger is necessary in order to feed on spiritual food.
46. We cannot be spiritually lazy and prosper any more than we can be physicall lazy and advance in the world.
47. If you begin leaning a certain way, and a strong wind comes along, you will be blown in the direction you are leaning. Be careful concerning your leanings.
48. The smallest good deed is better than the greatest intention.
49. Don't let the devil cover you up and plow yov under - let people know the power of God is still here.
50. Are we looking for things to do? Jesus took a towel and washed His disciple's feet.
5l. A Christian is one who has victory over sin. Anything short of victory is defeat.
52. Let us not dwell on the weakness of man but on tge strength and greatness of God.
53. Talk about your neighbours to God. Talk about God to your neighbours.
54. Unless you turn from sin, your face is away from God.
55. It is a serious thing to get fainthearted when the battle is on.
56. Anything we obtain that costs us nothing is not worth much more than its costs.
57. God holds you responsible for the light you have; not for what the other person does.
58. Our thoughts, words and actions not only mould us, but they largely help to mould those about us.
59. If you are too wise to have faith, you are too wise to do what God created you to do.
60. We will be judged by God's law, not man's.
6l. Five united in the faith are worth more than 50 divided.
62. If we are citizens of God's kingdom and God's country, let us be loyal to it! Let us declare ourselves and make no compromise.
63. In the sight of God there is no difference between a minor sin and a major sin, or between a white lie and a black lie.
64. Where is hell? At the end of a sinful life.
65. Don't nibble on crumbs when the Lord has a full loaf to feed those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
66. The heaviest crosses which many of us carry are the crosses of our own making.
67. There are no problems beyond God's ability.
68. No one will stumble accidentally into the Kingdom. One must seek to enter in.
69. Only a surrendered life can experience the fullness of the joy and blessing God has in the store for his people.
70. If you have fallen, don't just lie there for the rest of your life. Try again!
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