U're nt sure what those glances, smiles & luks 4rm d girl u fancy might mean? Hoping u've a secret admirer?. Follow these steps 2 find out if the girl u've ur heart set on really likes u. 1. Be bold & initiate a short chat. 2. Watch for signs of flirting. 3. Check for random hugs, reserved mostly for u. 4. Take notice if she accidentally bumps into u more often dan what u'd consider the usual. 5. Observe the way in which she looks at u. 6. Look at her friends. 7. Look out for moments where you can play rescuing the damsel in distress. 8. Smile at her. 9. Watch her body language. 10. Notice the little things she does for u. 11. If u decide that she does appear to like you, confirm it by having courage to go and talk to her. 12. Finally, but importantly, avoid over-analyzing her behaviour. Thanks friends watch out 4 episode 2, till den av fun
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