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Recharge Your Prepaid Meter, DSTV, GOTV, StarTimes on Billy Africa

Sort out your job if you have one. Women want a man who has some ambition in life so coasting along as a skateboard instructor is generally not going to win you a real catch. Any job is better than none. But knuckle down and sort out some direction in your life. Change job if need be but at least try and look like you have something of a career. If you have a manual job, at least have some plans to work for yourself. If you already do, then you are on the right track but know what you are about work wise and have some idea of your future because they will be asking questions about your prospects even if they pretend it isnt important.

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No woman is ready to marry a liability. That is paramount in marriage.
Thanks for that point.
@realloveofafrica, we dont see you online like before; hope nothing?
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If u're luking 4waz 2 make money online just email me@ Pls specify ur request. 2geda sky is a starting point.
Alright; It's Well O.
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