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You are a guy who knows how to date, you are a guy who hasnt dated in years, you are a guy who has never been successful with women. Whatever your situation there are some common dating rules to follow when venturing into the dating jungle. These rules are simply to protect your emotional state and to ensure even handed success. Women are trained from day one in the art of dating warfare. They have a physical and emotional arsenal that you may never hope to match. But dont be outgunned, be prepared my friends as the dating battle isnt over yet buddy. 1. Took your best. Get some decent clothes & shoes even if the last time you checked your Nike's out was 1996. Get clothes that fit you, suit you & are contemporary. Dont just buy one outfit, sort out your entire wardrobe. If you cant take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of her Oh yes & buy a good well tailored suit, there is no excuse not to. 

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