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The House, the land, the address. To build a php website you need a php hosting plan(the land) where you'll host your php script(the house) and a domain name / url[universal remote locater] (the address) . Php is a pretty, and have always said the cutting edge it posseses over top-notch wap/web site builders such as the 'infamous' wapka is the VERSITILITY accessible with it's platform, it's a situation of if you know it, think it & code it, comes with infinitesema restrictions. A web-designning day-old noob could in a few minutes set up an adorable website with php, YES! It is that advanced! Php has & is still evolving, her service is upgrading the more in correllation with it's ever increasing lovers. Basically to set up a php website you need a mysql connection to a database, but some lightweight scripts run without a database though(some ads manager script) but an ideal php script would require a database. Simply put, a php website is set up thus;

A hosting plan acquired
A database created
Desired php script installed on the 'land' and connected to the database

Another beauty of php is apart from it unique codes, it also works with variety of other codes, e.g HTML, JAVASCRIPT ...

If you're a newbie I know you'd be wondering, how do I acquire the house, Land & Address?

Well it's pretty easy;

Hosting 'Land'

Hosting comes in basically two types, paid & free hosting.

Free is quite okay but comes with limitations on its services e.g
Bandwidth,sub-domains ... I personnally would recommend but you can look up 'Best free hosting' on google & choose that which you desire. Then register, after verification, create a hosting account & that's it about aquiring the free 'land'.

Paid hosting comes in stratas, with succeding ones being better than preceeding ones. You'd get pretty much all explanation you need about it on the site of a company that offers it, Google  'best paid hosting' for suggestions.


we shall proceed in episode 2

I'm not known, not even by myselft,

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