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D lines hve been drawn. Choose between easy naija & 2go; stating ur reasons y

I love the both of them
It is educative
What are my to reply?
I love 2go bt i luv EASY NAIJA most
Easy naija, u be baba
I love 2go bt i luv EASY NAIJA most
What is d different btw d 2
2go is vry kul 4 easy talk btw teenagers but when it comes 2 Easynaija, it is educating, builds, uplift and enlighten your mind and vocabulary. It also teaches gud moral. Teens can also communicate using this site.

 i luv the 2
I tink both are equally d best
I Lyk Easynaija Most
Well Both Are Good. Pending On D Way D Users Use Them
i want to change my 2go phone number
2go is 4 fun, while EasyNaija is 4 more knowledge nd experience. D both has its own importance.
easynaija is d best.
I love 2go really much, but easynaija get the most likeliness in my earth.
easynaija is the best.
Wow, shey na debate una dey do or?
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
Wow, shey na debate una dey do or?
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
Wow, shey na debate una dey do or?
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
Wetn dy shop*
This is not a site you can come, stay and rest. The system is poor and boring.
@ the Admin/Founder, this is not the worst site but it needs a transformation and revoluction.
Most members are gone and lost due to the system is poor, inactive,and lost. But the question is how is it the best without them?
Yeah Austine, and that is when you come into song. Do you have any suggestions? Why not post them here? Mr A will welcome them gladly!
Yeah Austine, and that is when you come into song. Do you have any suggestions? Why not post them here? Mr A will welcome them gladly!
I sugest there should be a modification on how we reply to post/topic so as to make it widen, attractive, clear and seen to people, also i am sugesting the network power of Easynaija should be increased automatically because the service we get from MTN, GLO, ETISALAT,AIRTEL are not encouraging to chat and post topics continously. As we have all noticed sometimes when we reply to a topic or when we post a topic, it result to repeat itself two or three times just as the last reply 'Sir Phil' commented to my message, it repeated 2 times and that is to say it is network error. Take for example the 2go version grew from the lowest version to the higest version i.e 3.8 version, and there is a clear difference between them, which are 1. it is attractive .2. More loving to chat .3. high level of network to boost on our service network etc... And most especialy the strict adherence of Easynaija should be reduce and handle with caution, if i can say there should be several rooms which you can post or chat as you wish without any law against it. I.e a permanent room that will be full of topics just as the 2go rooms, so as to make it flow and attractive but not to be boring. A room for posting matured, educated and competitive topics just as this one can also be preserved for sharing views and emmotion, contribucting to the problem of Nigeria, Africa, Europe, Asia and the whole world, infact there can be a room that will be for news around the world, like the breaking news, history of a country, profile of a legend like Nelson Mandela, Martins Luter King etc. I am quite sure we have several moderators who are given the power to influence in Easynaija but if i can ask, are they just moderators? There should at least be the ones making all to be exciting and socially interactive, not that they are been given the title moderator and by so doing all they can do is to ban members from the forum, just as Marvisdby baned me for the first time in Easynaija site, or be threaten to ban a member just as WhizDom who threaten that i will be ban due to i was sharing an oppinion concerning the April vote of last month and when i checked his profile i discovered he is a moderator, or be deleating topics that are been posted maybe it is felt by the moderator that the topic due not suit to his taste, just for example how ''Mr. A'' deleated my topic which i posted early this year   '' Is bokoharam the only problem in Nigeria''. All these system are a threat to members and this is why we have scarcity of members in Easynaija site. So has i had suggested by sharing my oppinion that there should be a limit on how to make members comfortable and honoured, although Easynaija is a growing site but it can not grow without members, as a member i had convince several friends and family to be a part of this site, and i know as time grows this site will also grow but it needs to start with the Admin, Moderators and the present Members like i myself and others. Has i had clearly said majesticaly, there should be a news cast just as there is always a news at facebook, and that part is the duty of this site, Moderators and the Admin. I also want to comments and encourage on the ''google chrome'' which was recently introduced in this site and that is what i refer to as profesionalism in technology, it is admiring, attractive, easy to get to a topic been posted and to know what is happening in the world. Easynaija and we all can do beter as i hope my oppinion, suggestion and contribuction will be looked into and welcome with all pleasure or if there is any beter way to make this site advance then yes let it be done, all Nigerians and the world needs is the best, the same as i wish Easynaija the best but it must be worked out before becoming the best just has i use to say my best is yet to come and truely i am working continously for it to be proven and approved by God. ''Goodluck Easynaija''as i wish you the best.
Wow Austine, that's interesting. Like you've giving out suggestions, let's start working towards them. You gave the suggestion, you've got to take the lead. You can just text Mr. A some of your suggestions so he can include them, etc. That's how it starts and before you know it, it blooms. Let's take action NOW.
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
Sir Phil said ''yeah Austine that is when you come into song, do you have any suggestion? Why not? post them here Mr.A will gladly welcome them''  and now WhizDom is saying  ''I gave the suggestion and i have got to take the lead, that i can just text Mr. A some of my suggestion so he can include them''.  But i wonder what is different between Sir Phil saying that i should suggest openly and Mr.A will see them, and WhizDom saying i should take the lead by texting Mr.A privately. In issue like this, what needs to take place is action and not demonstration, for that is the problem facing Nigeria, we dont act, we only demonstrate. I am 100% sure that Mr.A can see and read and understand my message concerning this site, so why should i text him, is there any difference... I have done my own part by contribucting best to my own knowledge, base on the interest of this site, as i have done, i except the Moderator to suggest also by contribucting, instead of telling i to text my oppinion to the Admin, that shows symbols of inventiveness and absenteeism, and if there is any contribuction any one of us can make then fine, let it be told so that it can be checked and may likely to be approved, just as i said in my first suggestion if there is any idea that can make this site advance why not, it can be contrbucted not only i because it is meant for all interest. I have fully laid down my own part of contribuction so do i except the rest to be carried out by the ''Oga at the top''.

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