Text: Hebrews ll:l; Romans 4:l8-2l; Genesis l5:5-6
Faith has been defined from the text as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. The substance of things hoped refers to the reality or the concreteness of a situation. The evidence of things not see further shows the certainty of things to manifest.
Unshakable faith therefore means standing stromg when things go wrong. Faith has always been the mark of God's children. Faith is a firm persuasion and expectation that God will perform all that he has promised us in Christ. This is evidenced in the of Abraham in Romans 4:l8-2l Abraham was not daunted by calendar age or by physical situations around him. He rather waited for the appointed time of God. An unshakable faith by the faith mothers shows a proof to the mind the reality of things cannot be seen by the physical eye. God is never late but He acts at the niche of time. There are numerous examples of this abounding in the scriptures. He was never late in the cases of Sarah, Rebecca, Hannah and even Elizabeth. Yours will not be an exemption.
He definitely will not and cannot be late in the situation of those that wait upon him without wavering. With God nothing is impossible Luke l:37; Genesis l8:l4. By the word of the Lord, God will surprise all expectant mothers by giving them their own Isaac in Jesus name.
l. Command to Manifest Unshakable Faith.
Text: Hebrews ll:6; Mark ll:22; Genesis l8:l0-l4; Mattew l7:20
The Bible expressly states that if we are to receive anything from the Lord, the principle of faith is pivotal to our relationship with Him. Faith produces trust, hope and reliance on God's word without agitation. We must manifest that unflinching faith in His personality, power and promise. This type of faith does not harbour fear because of what we feel or hear. It does not harbour doubts because of pronouncement of men especially doctors, false prophets or family history or background. Therefore, the Lord expects simple faith and dependence on Him. God's pronouncement defied nature in Sarah, the despondency of Hannah, hopelessness of the woman of shunem and the insinuations of people about Elizabeth. The command to have faith is also the command to "fear not" and "doubt not". Luke l:l3, 30; Mattew 2l:2l.
2. Catalogue of Women Who Manifested Unshakable Faith.
Text: I Samuel l:l7, l8; Judges l3:2-8, l2, 2l-23
The word of God received by various faith mothers were without doubt or questioning the impetus for their miracles. Hannah had many reasons to doubt, but simply develop faith to ask in the sight of the man of God which by extension is a prayer to God. The Manoah's family never asked when, why or how. They rather asked for instructions to take care of the child even when no conception had taken place. The Virgin Mary surrendered her bewilderment at the word of God by saying 'Behold the hand maid of the Lord:be it unto me according to thy word'. Luke l:38.
Your receiving the word of God must be accompanied with confession of faith and reliance upon His promises. Remember God is not a man, that He should lie (Numbers 23:l9). He honours His word more than His name. "Heaven and earth may pass away but my words shall not pass away" Mattew 24:35; Mark l3:3l. The word of the Lord to you is 'Be fruitful and multiply ... l:28; Deuteronomy 7:l4. The woman of Shunem received the word and got her child 2 Kings 4:l5-l7. According to the time of life you also shall embrace your own child. What should then be your disposition as the word of the Lord is coming to you? Simply believe and receive.
3. Christian Practical Manifestation of Unshakable Faith.
Text: Luke l:38; l:45; Romans 4:20-21
Confession of faith is part of the weapon of believers. If you see it, believe it and confess it, you will see it. There is power in the spoken words. Recall that God called the universe into existence out of nothing. He declared it to be and it came to be. The confession of the Shunamite woman was manifested. She had confessed repeatedly that "it shall be well", "it is well" before it was well with her. (II Kings 4:23, 26). You need to act like Hannah, "who went her way, and did eat and her countenance was no more sad". Your confession should be "Behold thy handmaid be it unto me according to thy word. The Lord hast loosed my bonds (Psalm ll6:l6). "Stablish thy word unto thy servant who is devoted to thy fear (Psalm ll9:35). Jesus said unto her "said I not unto thee that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God.
The manifestation of a fahth life is a personal and practical matter. As a Christian, who wants to manifest functional faith in Christ, you MUST:
i. Consistently BELIEVE God until you RECEIVE. Hebrews ll:6; Romans 4:l7
ii. Continually PRAY and CONFESS answer confidently. Luke l8:l-8; Romans l0:l0; l John 5:l4-l5
iii. Constantly PRAY the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous. James 5:l6-l8
iv. Consistently COMMAND and SPEAK to the mountain of childlessness and hindrances to procreation, believing until you receive. Mattew 2l:2l-22
v. Constantly DEVELOP yourself on your most holy faith by reading, studying, meditating and PRAYING in the Holy Ghost. Luke l7:5, 6; Joshua l:8; Romans l0:l7
vi. Continue to ASK with thanksgiving, standing on God's FAITHFULNESS and His sure promises until you receive. Mattew 7:7-ll; I Thessalonians 5:l7-l8
vii. Completely look unto Jesus, CAST all your cares upon Him until you receive. I Peter 5:7; Philemon i:6, 7; James 5:7, 8; Hebrddws l2:l-4

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