"... for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart" (l Samuel l6:7)
The Lord has the power to see and know the heart of man and he expects the heart of man to be right before Him, as the only criteria for getting to the pilgrim's City.Therefore, we need to search our heart rightly with the below questions.
l. Have you forgiven everyone? Is there any malice, spite, hatred or enmity in your hearts? Do you cherish grudges; and have you refused to be reconciled?
2. Do you get angry? Are there any uprisings within? Is it true that you still lose your temper? Does wrath hold you at times in its grip?
3. Is there any feeling of jealousy? When another is preferred before you, does it make you envious and uncomfortable? Do you get jealous of those who can pray, speak and do things better than you can?
4. Do you get impatient and irritated? Do little things vex and annoy you? Or are you sweet, calm and unruffled under all circumstances?
5. Are you offended easily? When people fail to notice you and pass by without speaking, does it hurt? If others are made much of and you are neglected, how do you feel about it?
6. Is there any pride in your heart? Are you puffed up? Do you think a great deal of your own position and attainments?
7. Have you been dishonest? Is your business open and above reproach? Do you give a yard for a yard and a pound for a pound?
8. Have you been gossiping about people? Do you slander the characters of others? Are you talebearers and busybodies?
9. Do you criticize unlovingly, harshly and severely? Are you always finding fault and looking for the flaws in others?
l0. Do you rob God? Have you stolen the time that belongs to Him? Has your money been withheld?
ll. Are you worldly? Do you love the glitter, the pomp, and the show of this life?
l2. Have you stolen? Do you take little things that do not belong to you?
l3. Do you harbour a spirit of bitterness towards others? Is their hatred in your heart?
l4. Is your life filled with lightness and frivolity? Is your conduct unseemly? Would the world by your action's consider you on its side?
l5. Have you wronged anyone and failed to make restitution? Or has the spirit of Zacchaeus possessed you? Have you restored the many little things that God has shown you?
l6. Are you worried or anxious? Do you fail to trust God for your temporal and spritual needs? Are you continually crossing bridges before you come to them?
l7. Are you guilty of lustful thoughts? Do you allow your minds to harbour impure and unholy imaginations?
l8. Are you true in your statements, or do you exaggerate and this convey false impressions? Havf you lied?
l9. Are you guilty of the sin of unbelief? Inspite of all He has done for you, do you still refuse to believe the promises of His Word?
20. Have you committed the sin of prayerlessness? Are you an intercessor? Do you pray? How much time are you spending on your knees? Have you crowded prayer out of your life?
2l. Are you neglecting God's Word? How many chapters do you read each day? Are you a Bible student? Do you draw your source of supply from the Scriptures?
22. Have you failed to confess Christ openly? Are you ashamed of Jesus? Do you keep your mouths closed when you are surrounded by worldly people? Are you witnessing daily?
23. Are you burdened for the salvation of souls? Have you a love for the lost? Is there any compassion in your hearts for those who are perishing?
Note: Free registration is still ongoing on the site, but you must upgrade with N2,000 to be able to cashout your earnings every Friday of the week)