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On your wedding day, some minute to recieve the ring by the priest, u recieve a phone call that the 400million contract u applied over one year has been awarded to u, and u are give an hour to take the contract or another person wil take it, and from the wedding venue to the place is one hour.what wil u do ? continue ur wedding and loose the contract or getting the contract and disappointing ur wife and ur guest ? women, when u know what's on ground, what wil u advice ur husband to do ?

continue with my wedding and forget about the contract coz my wedding is important to me than any contract that worth any amount
Love the Lord,with all ur heart.
Anastercia, remember moni is very important to marriage. u like good things, dont u ?
of course i do, but dat shouldnt stop me from havin my love, after all if we both are not there how will the money be spent?
Love the Lord,with all ur heart.
But Anastercia, cnt u re-shedule the wedding ?
of course i can but its an embarrassment for me to leave the church for a contract whereas wat if on ur way from the contract u had an accident which wil likely keep u on ur sick bed for months, spending all u ve got plus de money from the contract on de hospital bills
Love the Lord,with all ur heart.
Dear Anastercia, pls dont be pessimistic, remba, no great success without risk.
Continue with the wedding, d contract is a distructive distraction as it could be satan's plan to seperate d two happy couples. Now come to think of it, wot if u were to go 4 d contract and suddenly u lost nd bcame d looser, u'd blame ur foolish urself.
Queen, i'll go 4 Anastersia's wonderful suggestion bsides y on ur way 4 d contract, lots of thins disturbs ur mind. 1.ur wife bursting in2 tears while in d church. 2.u'v disappointed evry1 n disgraced ur wife. nd 3, u'r in a rush 4 ur money. Accidnt calls
Queen, i'll go 4 Anastersia's wonderful suggestion bsides y on ur way 4 d contract, lots of thins disturbs ur mind. 1.ur wife bursting in2 tears while in d church. 2.u'v disappointed evry1 n disgraced ur wife. nd 3, u'r in a rush 4 ur money. Accidnt calls
are u telling me that dis risk is too big for u ?
Queen, it seems u'v forgoten what the bible say concerning this particular kind of incident= The love of money is the root of all evil.
Queen, it seems u'v forgoten what the bible say concerning this particular kind of incident= The love of money is the root of all evil.
hav u forgetten also the bible says...moni is a defence and moni answereth all things
Queen, ur topic question nw bounces to u 'if u were d supposed wife, wot wuld u do? allow ur husband disgrace u b4 d reverend, his parents, ur parents, d brethren, ur friends and all of ur family members as he leaves u 4 d contract b4 d eyes of all?
I will finish d wedding b4 going for d contract, wat i kw is dat if it is God will d contract will b mine
Queen, ur topic question nw bounces to u 'if u were d supposed wife, wot wuld u do? allow ur husband disgrace u b4 d reverend, his parents, ur parents, d brethren, ur friends and all of ur family members as he leaves u 4 d contract b4 d eyes of all?
thanks for that life, some disgrace are engracement turned inside-out...i believe so much in risk taking. i love brave men that takes risk bcos, risk is the price u pay for great brace-up man and start taking risk!!!
I will finish d wedding b4 going for d contract, wat i kw is dat if it is God will d contract will b mine
bamigboye, is either the contract or wedding. u are required to choose one...and u hav less than 5mins to do so...remba u hav been fasting and praying for this particular contract for its urs...wat wil u do ?
I'll rather cont wit d weddin u can find anoda contract
Spottykay Publisher
Ahh while i am in the wedding i will send someone to collect it and take it straight to my house
Ahh while i am in the wedding i will send someone to collect it and take it straight to my house
send someone ? NO!! u are required to be there in person.
continue d wedding n leave d  contract
continue d wedding n leave d  contract
really ?
1.I shuldnt hav my fone with me. 2.i cant leave d presence of GOD bcos of a contract3.i cant just cancel my marriage
hav u forgetten also the bible says...moni is a defence and moni answereth all things
  Money answereth all things, love is nt a thing.A couple cn produce life bt money cnt.
Queen, i'll go 4 Anastersia's wonderful suggestion bsides y on ur way 4 d contract, lots of thins disturbs ur mind. 1.ur wife bursting in2 tears while in d church. 2.u'v disappointed evry1 n disgraced ur wife. nd 3, u'r in a rush 4 ur money. Accidnt calls
1.I shuldnt hav my fone with me. 2.i cant leave d presence of GOD bcos of a contract3.i cant just cancel my marriage
my dear as a christian, u always in the presence of GOD. u are nt only in the presence of GOD when u are in CHURCH.
Queen, stop tryin 2 confuse every1 tinkin u knw wots best. No1 is always in d presence of GOD 4 u culd be thinkin,sayin or doin anything ungodly at any time.  U culd be a sinner or a born against nd still worshipping God in ur heart wereas its in vain.
Queen, stop tryin 2 confuse every1 tinkin u knw wots best. No1 is always in d presence of GOD 4 u culd be thinkin,sayin or doin anything ungodly at any time.  U culd be a sinner or a born against nd still worshipping God in ur heart wereas its in vain.
wen u are confused, dont say everyone is confuse.OUR BODIES(BORN-AGAINS) IS THE TEMPLE OF GOD.SO WE ARE ALWAYS IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD!!
God is d creator of all bt nt d father of all there4 nt evryo1 is a born again, sum pple ar born against.

 Note: u ar nt 2 quote evry statemnt by any1, though it is allowed 2 quote others.wen d maximum limits of quotin is reached, u'r nolnger allowed.
i will continue wt my wedding n forget d contract.
God is not an author of confusion! What ever he gives to you brings peace and nothing more. If it's of God, it will never happen that way because he will never bring confusion to your wedding place.
Always Real...

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