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Well i know all this are not easy to do but i have to do it because i dont pray to destroy my happiness with my own hands, and my marriage is one of it.
I will forgive my partner nd frnd but start to watch their movements and c if they have truly change.

My fellow easynaijas, you see there are many things you have to let go and there are many consideration and thins that must be done or put in place so as to make urself happy and fulfill in learn this things.
If i find out i will 4giv them, then i will pray 2 God if God says i shud marry him then i will go ahead, if he says i shud not then i will let him go
Its easier said than done; many people are saying they will forgive....they will forgive, but l want to tell you that only one out 1,000 can forgive such and go-ahead with the wedding plans.
We need to enlighten ourselves on this that going ahead with such wedding is like "using wool to climb a big tree". l mean its risky and dangerous.
The fact is that the mind of that lady is with her fiance's friend; that's certain: now getting wedded to a girl whose mind is with another person is none-sensical.
   My people on easynaija, dont be sillyyyy, those who have fallen victims can best tell you this.
    Lastly, what if s3x between your that so-called bride-to-be and that friend of yours results in pregnancy; it means you start your marital life with another man's pregnancy.
   Love is blind and if care is not taken love can easily land one in the pit.
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