Have you read the below life-changing books?
lf no, try and search for and buy them; they are more valuable than gold and will have great positive effects on your life.
The following are the books:
(1) The Final Quest- By Rick Joyner.
(2) The Call- By Rick Joyner.
(3) Divine Revelation Of Heaven- By Mary Baxter.
(4) Divine Revelation Of Hell- By Mary Baxter.
(5) Divine Revelation Of God's Holiness And Judgement- By Michael Sambo.
(6) I Saw Heaven- By Roberts Liardon.
(7) Four-Hour Interviews In Hell- By Bamgbose.
These books are compilation of divine revelations and visions given by God to His chosen ministers; through the books, you stand to know more about God & Heaven; the qualifications for making heaven, and real pictures of heaven and hell(where sinners will go at last) and many more.
I've read these books and l cannot forget the divine encounter or my experience.
lf you can be obedient and follow the instruction given, you will thank God for all.
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