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Head Mod.
There is a user on this site called Fidelia20, she (or he) is sending messages to people asking them to contact her on her email. DON'T!. That person is a scammer. This is pure relationship scam. U will fall in love with them and then they will start asking u for money. I am sure u have read about victims of this type of scam. This is the pm they sent me.

Hello From Fidelia
My name is Miss Fidelia.I viewed your profile today on this site ( and became interested in you.Can you please contact me on my email address( ) I have something important to discuss with you.
Your new friend
Miss Fidelia
( )

Just delete the pm. :)

Spottykay Publisher
yes she sent it to me but i didnt say anything because i was supecting so
She sent it to me also.
They are not new to me, because l've been receiving their messages years back.
In fact, if you send email to him/her, he/she will say she is a refugee in dakar senegal; she would say there was a war that killied her parents and only her remaining and that her father has millions of dollars in the foreign bank and that she wants you to get it transfered into your bank account and blah blah blah blah blah .....
Immediately I saw the message, l wanted to get some words fom her/him; l ask her/him where she was chating from, but she didnt answer me.
Those people are thieves.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
I received her PM too. I wonder what's so important that she couldnt include it in the PM!
Its a lie; she knows that she will be exposed if she discusses it here. Even if such people send you message on eskimi and facebook, he/she will still refer you to her email address. Its tactics they use.
They are all internet fraudsters.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
Spottykay Publisher
Even when i saw it i was still thinking may be it's someone from a kingdom trying to initiate which made me not to reply.If not for this post that saved me
I cant fall for a cheap scam!
I can never fall for such;
it is easy for people who want quick millions to fall for it if they have not been tricked like that before.
A woman in Ibafo fell for such just of recent and the person had collected up to N250,000 from her before her husband heard about it.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
Spottykay Publisher
even me,i've once fell into one but not again
Who ever does must be insane!
@Sir-phil, its not a matter of insanity; if you have not heard about it before, they can entice you into it and surprisingly seeing yourself falling for it: those poeple are full of devilish strategies.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
Whoops! I must be an idiot if they 'll ever get me. Though I perfectly understand what you mean, coz we hear of people been duped on daily basis. I think this is how it starts.
Spottykay Publisher
but i'm really suprised how did she sent a pm to all of us
Its very possible she had a handful of members on her buddy list(Your buddies are your friends) and then forwarded a message to all her buddies. 419 can do anything no matter the time it takes just to achieve their goal.
Some of them even take as long as a month on one person before they start realising their unlawful gain.
There is one of them just of recent, who promised me job in NNPC, he sent a letter to my e-mail address with letter-heading and logo of NNPC.
He was so slow with me: he didnt rush me at all; after a long while, he told me that l have to pay into their account for a trip to Ghana for training (N24,000), because l was going to work in oil company.
At this juncture, l came to myself and said, "l am looking for job, because l dont have money, now they say l would pay 24,000; and l've seen these with my eyes"- I cut them off and stopped conversation with them.
These people played with me in a way that, if not God, I would have entered into big problem.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
Thank God you escaped it, you would have been wallowing in ashes by now. :) :)
Spottykay Publisher
i also thank God for your life
Glory be to God !!! 
If not for His mercy and kindness, it would have been another story now.
Those people are so desperate that after their initial collection of money, they use different tactics to collect more money.
We should be careful of them; they use different methods and from different groups.
May God deliver us.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
I normally ignore them because i came across limitless of them on Facebook. They are people who want to scam people by pretending to them that they are female, and they will tell you exactly what Mr Paul has said in the aforesaid when you send email to them. I am not sure whether they are female or male but i intuited that they are male. I have tested them and learned a lesson from them. Nigerian are not foolish people
I also sense that they are males, not females; they just send those beautiful female pictures to entice those who are foolish to fall for such.
One day, l sent back to one of them through my mail that l've got all his tactics. You know what? He voiced out and said, he needs money and that l should please, send money to eat to him; l then told him to appear to me physically, that l'll not harass him; he then cut off the conversation and didnt reply again.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
He never had the stomach to trust the man of God?
When he knows it will be a great embarrasement to see the face of a so-called, imaginary beautiful girl, who turned to be a boy.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
Spottykay Publisher
those people are so wicked do you knew that she sent the pm to me arround 1:28am even she's not sleeping and i thank God she didn't suceed on any body

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