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Which of these members do you think was the most active and valuable to the forum during the month of April (2014)? Winner gets N1000. See the post below for details.

Swazzy Lady
4 (11.4%)
8 (22.9%)
1 (2.9%)
7 (20%)
2 (5.7%)
2 (5.7%)
1 (2.9%)
3 (8.6%)
Austine Chika
7 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 32

Voting closed: May 03, 2014, 10:11:53 AM

You vibrate without wisdom even when you chosse to bear WhizDom as a name, simply because of your selfish familarity sake as a human. You are just commenting down because, you want to be part of the play and if i may ask 'are you an Admin' i once remembered a post which i titled as a Joke, your reply to that post was a strict, cunning and straight forward reply, you made a comment about i to be ban simply because i posted a Joke and i thaught to myself 'are you asleep' because that is the same thaught i have in mind now and if i may ask you young lad 'are you asleep?? Because i am sure my last reply concerning this matter was yesterday 'sunday' which i even forgot about, you neva replied and now, you have just woke up and begining to be texting down abnormal comment with a threat of three numerical numbers, which you laid as no1, no2, and no3... What rule is bigger than Oppinion of expression? Dont i have the right to request that my topic must be declined i.e i am not intersted in the vote.? Why must your word goes like this ''that if worst come to worst that i will be removed'' and i ask again dont i have the right to express my OPPINION in this ''DEMOCRATIC ERA OF GOVERNANCE'' ? Which law or rule is bigger than OPPINION? I Mean which law or rule in this site that is much bigger and larger for i   ''AUSTIN CHIKA'' to express my Oppinion??? You are just vibrating without wisdom with an empty and void comment simply because you want to be part of the play.  In our goverment today tell me the Law, rule, or constitution that is bigger than Oppinion of Human beign apart from ''MILITARY RIGIM'' or if i may you WhizDom ,are we in Military rigim ,that my right to share an oppinion or an expression should be decline?? If i can beg you [TEACH ME HOW TO DELEATE AND REMOVE MYSELF AS A MEMBER BECAUSE THE RULE AND LAW OF THIS SITE IS BIGGER THAN THE OPPINION AND EXPPRESION OF HUMAN BEIGN.]  Can you teach me how to deleate myself as you just wastefuly announced to me and the world that my account will be removed'' but whizDOM you claim to bear WhizDom without wisdom and if i may ask ''WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT RULE''?? ''WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT EXPRESSION AND OPPINION''?? '' WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT PERSONAL MATTER AS YOU SAID''? WHAT IS THE DIFFERENT BETWEEN PERSONAL MATTER AND OPPINION AND EXPPRESION''?? You just replied to an old post of vote simply because you felt you have wisdom as you Bear ''wHIZDOM''just to make a fun of me.... I choose not to participate in the vote and i made an order that my Topic should be removed   ,so dont i have the right or were you the one that gave me the right to write down my Topic?? I  made a challenge to see a proff of evidence concerning the last vote, and i ask Dont i have the right to be convince and not to be confuse ?? So why should you threaten me that my account will be removed ?? Cant i be convince as a human beign?? I titled Your comment and reply to me as ''sillyITY OF HUMANITY'' because it has no begining and no ending.... I once said that i 'AUSTIN CHIKA' did not joined this site because of vote , i registered as a member free of charge so why cant i impact best of what i know to the World free of charge?? Is it a force to follow the vote?? Is it a must to be part of the vote?? Is it an offence to make an Oppinion?? Is it an illegal act to express my expression?? Is it a sin for i 'AUSTIN CHIKA' to be convince as a member in this site??? ALL THESE I WANT TO KNOW BUT IF DELEATING MY ACCOUNT FROM THE FORUM 'SITE' IS THE BEST WAY TO HONOUR MY QUESTION AND OPPINION THEN THE ADMIN AND THE HEAD CAN DO AS THEY WISH, BECAUSE THEY ARE THE OWNER OF THE RULE AND LAW ,SO THEREFORE THEY ARE BIGGER THAN THE LAW.

Now Austine, just tell me. What have I done that you hollered these hostile words at me. Just look at it, the issue of voting is not something that will put food on my table or yours but we want to acknowledge the fact that this topics are of value. I can't say the mind of the Admin that nominated your topic to be voted for may be to feel that because you were not voted for as member of the month. So he used this topic of the month to compensate you. It's not what I see but I just thought of it and it may not be the reason but like I said to acknowledge the fact that the topics nominated are of value. At least, I do post topics and other members do post, do you want to tell me that the Admin didn't see those topics or the other topics are valueless? But since you said you want your topic to be deleted you're free, no one is holding you down. Mr A is the Admin, you can PM him to delete your topic. But pls. you take things to personal, try to listen to people's opinion about a matter & let it die down for good.
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
WhizDom ! I prefer your formal reply compare to the former reply. Do you know why?? Your respond was well spoken ,express and clear in a free way and that is how it is suppose to be.. You dont just state a strict threat to someone simply because ,you are in a position that honours it, such actions is clearly express to me that you are abusing your power. But that is a gone issue now. You did nothing to be asking what have you done but you did something that do not need an explanation what you have done and that area can be focus on your former reply. But that issue is also gone. Again what do expression has to do with personal, your last reply to me was not an oppinion just as i said you just want to be part of the play because if it was an oppinion you would state down those statement from no1 no2 and no3, that was where my focus was, and that was why i brought the statement and undestanding of expresing an oppinion. Let me say this issue should die down just as you had rest your case , i am sure the Admin can see all these so why do you speak on his behalf ,teling i to give him a PM. you are stating down that i take things too personal well i wont argue because you never answered my questions but let no one be suprise when someone worst than me just as you think be a part of these forum... I rest this case here but still maintain my comments just as i had already proclaimed them...
Alright, thanks for your understanding. But it wasn't that i decided to play in the game but i saw that you were kinda going the wrong direction so i chipped in and the matter between you and that person averted to you and I but like we said, let the case die down and I pray someone worse than you will not arise.
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
tissy2014 u really desever it keep it up.

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