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Hello guyz, please, how can i buy stuff with my coins and get it delivered at my door step?

Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
I want 2 buy bscuit
I want 2 buy rice
I dont think we have either of rice or biscuits in the shop currently, unless there is an update which I haven't noticed yet!
Don't mind them. They're just being childish.
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
i dont tink z possbile 2 buy wit coin so pal u better 4get about buying wit coin
To whom do you refer? @despirado
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
am refering 2 whizdon
Why do u say dat?
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
Why do u say dat? Incase you don't know, you can buy something from the shop section with the coins you earn.
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
well i dont tink z possible to buy wit coin even if u got to buy wit ur coin ao will it get to ur place. 
Ask the admin.
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact
You just try and see, how it will get to your door steps? Buy it first, they will tell you to send a message to Mr A to redeem your prize, I think its from there you will know how its gonna get to you Ok?   @despirado precisely
It is real people; you can buy things with your coins and it will be delivered to you.
I've bought this month and what l bought was delivered to me.
If you buy anything in the shop, just tell the Admin and you'll know how it'll be delivered to you.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
The only thing I 've earned from that shop is been the rechrge voucher. Permit me to say. Its my favourite
Yes, you are talking; the same thing with me; l now wonder why people are saying its not real.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .

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