Hey guyz, here's how you can change your 2go phone number. Go to http://wap.2go.im or http://2go.co.za or any 2go download site and download 2go.
When you download it, it will ask you to input your phone number, then u input the new phone number you want for 2go.
Note: The number must be a new number and must have not been registered for any 2go account.
After that, you enter your new username & that password of the previous account and if you like, you can use a new password.
Your new number has been created.
After creating that account, log out from the account and login to your previous account. Stay there for a while and update your status as "My new 2go account created, add me with (u put your username) or my new 2go number".
So that if you need your friends back, when you add them or they add u, they will know it is you.
Twitter & IG: @iam_made4impact