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When you register on 2go, you would be given a numerical password (a password which consists of numbers).

This 2go password may be difficult to memorize or remember so it would be advisable to change it to a password you would remember easily.

Here's how to change your 2go password:

Step 1: Log into the 2go mobile chat application.

Step 2: Scroll down to Settings

Step 3: Click on Change Password

Step 4: You would see three boxes. The first box is for your old password (the numerical password 2go gave you). The second box is for New Password (the new 2go password you want to use). The third box is Confirm Password (type your new password again).

Step 5: Click Save.

You can leave a comment if you have any problem.

t'll be my pleasure if u do so.....   I need it very urgently.

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