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Well in first battle, we had a winner: YOUNG DANIEL1. Again, congrats to U Dan.
 Here's sth more tougher than 1st battle and winner goes away with #1000 Airtime recharge card.
The Game goes like this:
1.Were the 9planets directly/indirectly mentioned in the bible, if yes, where?
2.Whats the most funniest story & most shocken news ever(2in1)?
3.Whats the most craziest thing a human being can ever do?

  Let The BATTLE Begin!!!

Chris Head Mod.
are mods qualified to play? :)
The sentence(answer) is " My appreciations to all easynaija users. "
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
Chris Head Mod.
wow Sam that looks like it, but let's wait for the op.
Hey Sam7, you got it right but the Game was meant for members only. So the question has now been changed. Since Moderators feel like playing also, i have made it look even tougher than it was.
 Well for your correct reply, though it wasn't for mod. you shall be awarded.
 Now, all members as well as moderators are allowed to play since the question has now been changed.
  This time around, the game is even tougher.

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