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If salt is sweeter than magi, sugar than salt, honey than sugar, what is sweeter than honey?

If ritualists are deadlier than herbalists, nd demons than ritualists, satan than demons, what is deadlier than satan?

The best reply goes with a reward.

Jesus is sweeter than honey,while H2SO4 or fire are deadlier than satan.
Jesus is sweeter than honey,while H2SO4 is deadlier than satan.
Jesus is sweeter than honey bt hell is deadly than satan.
my life-my business,U gossip - Ur headache, I flex - U vex, U beef-Ur problem, I Achieve -U provoke.
Congratulations Daniel, You just won yourself an expensive Shop item 'Chase Deer Vest' worth 100coins.
Congratulations,the winning Daniel and keep the ball rolling.
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You are indeed very lucky as that was exactly what i expected.
@WINNER thanks.@ marvis we hv a topic(jehova witness)we hv nt settled.winner y nt join us.
my life-my business,U gossip - Ur headache, I flex - U vex, U beef-Ur problem, I Achieve -U provoke.
@ Daniel, It's settled already.

WINNER don't border. Just learn from it.
We have settled d topic
I didnt make jst trying 2 comment on what winner said "we hv settled it"dats what i mean't by WE U SAID !
my life-my business,U gossip - Ur headache, I flex - U vex, U beef-Ur problem, I Achieve -U provoke.
Daniel, please edit and correct your spellings properly for better understanding for you might have probably made a mistake while typing your reply.
Alright but please next time try writing it in full so others would understand better as not everyone is able to interprete such. Understood?
@Daniel,what I mean't by we hav setled it is dat enogh reply has bin givn 2 dat topic,bt anyway I wil emphasize mor onit
@Mavisdby,I have been educated by d winning Daniel,and I have leanrt from it dat "hell is deadlier than satan'
Also WINNER, did you learn something/anything from The topic "How Can You Prove HELL As A Reality To Jehovah's Withnesses"?

If you've not checked it out, please do cos there are lots of benefits you can gain from that topic.
I have checked d topic,bt d problem is dat is somehow had to understand d best way 2 prove 2 dem dat hel is real.
Thats not a problem.
Explain to them the meaning of the word "hell" according to the dictionary as an extremely unpleasant place,experience or situation where people suffers relating it to Rev 20 v 15 nd tell them dat both d word hell according 2 man nd lake of fire according 2 d bible are thesame.
Of course they will not believe&give up just so easily. But tell them that if they doubt u, they shuld study on their own the whole book of Revelation and after they've done so, they'll believe hell exist
Of course after they've related hell to Revelation, they shall surly believe there is a place called hell as there is a place called Lake of fire.
I am happy hearing these expository.
@Mavisdby,thankyou,I have now understood d best way 2 prove that 2 them.

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