Text: Genesis 3:l6, l5-l6; I Timothy 2:l5
Following the fall of man, they incurred the wrath of God, who chased them out of the Garden of Eden and placed curses on them. The woman in particular was to have multiplied sorrow, conceive and bring forth her children in sorrow, and this singular incidence has made women to undergo serious and excruciating pains during childbirth. But God is merciful, loving and kind; hence He has provided a way out through the vicarious death of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, which made provision for her safe delivery.
l. The Cause of Travail of Women in Child Bearing.
Text: Genesis 3:l-3, 6, l6; 3l:l9, 30-35; 35:l6-l9; Psalm 5l:5; Job l4:4; Romans 6:23; Proverbs 26:2
Before the fall, man had enjoyed great intimacy and fellowship with God. Three greatest enemies of man are: Sin, Satan and Self. Sin brought about the fall of man and the subsequent seperation between God and man. Man became a transgressor who incurred great wrath and condemnation of God. Every unregenerated woman is under the control, directive and authority of Satan. A carnally-minded woman is under influence and control at all times, she has inclinations for occultism and works of darkness, she is dead in sins and tresspasses, she easily yields to temptations and ungodly practices. She is worldly and carnally-minded, she is adulterous and lustful, easily offended and employs foul language, she is under guilt and condemnation from God, likes pleasing the world by adorning herself in worldly allurements and attires, deceptive, arrogrant and Satan-inspired. If any of these negative traits is found in your life as a woman, you need to repent.
2. Consequences of the Curse on Women in Child-Bearing.
Text: Genesis 3:l6; 35:l7, l8; Mark 7:2l-23; Ephesians 2:l-3; Romans 5:l2-l6; I Samuel 4:l9-20; Romans 6:23
Just as Eve, the first woman fell to satanicc deceptions and manipulations, so will an unregenerated woman fall today. The first woman fell before the first man, and this underscores the pivotal position and role of women today in the family. The fall of the woman brought upon her the curse of multiplied sorrow, agony and travail in child - delivery. It opened the door to satanic incursion into her life. As the name "Ichabod" implies "the glory has departed". She lost the presence, protection and glory of God upon her life. She became fearful, weak, powerless, and prone to diseases, oppression, defilement and reproach.
The greatest effect of the curse placed on the woman is in the area of child-birth. There is a great travail in conception and child-delivery, which are heralded by inexplicable sufferings and excruciating pains. The joy of the Lord disappeared and was replaced by the sorrow of loneliness and at the point of child delivery, abandonment. The antidotes against the travail of women in child-bearing: genuine salvation, santification and holiness of life, seperation from the world and worldly influences, sobriety abiding in the word of God and steadfastness in faith.
3. Comforting Promises for the Transformed, Expectant Mothers.
Text: I Timothy 2:l5; I John 3:8; Galatians 3:l3; Isaiah 66:7-9; 43:l-2; Hebrews 4:l5-l6
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, we are therefore no longer under the curse, and there is full assurance of safe delivery for all our pregnant women. In Exodus l:l9, like the Hebrew women delivered safely without the involvement and participation of doctors, nurses and midwives and without any operations and complications, so shall it be for all our pregnant sisters (Amen). However, there is the need for physical, emotional and spritual preparation for childbirth. These include: eating good food and taking balanced diet, observing regular and adequate rest and sleep, engage in physical exercises, registering at government approved or recognised hospitals, taking all recommended immunizations, make preparations for the needs of the baby by purchasing baby materials, keeping and observing ante-natal appointments, maintaining a high level of hygiene, wearing conducive clothes and shoes.
Note: Free registration is still ongoing on the site, but you must upgrade with N2,000 to be able to cashout your earnings every Friday of the week)