Text: Psalm l39:l3; l27:3-5; Proverbs 22:6; Luke 2:40, 52
God expects parents, especially mothers, to build up the life of their children according to the laid down spritual pattern and principles. The care of these children is divinely assigned responsibility for all parents. Children should be carf for physically, medically, spritually and socially to be able to get the best out of life. Therefore, to achieve this, they should be cared for according to their stages of development in life.
l. Cardinal Principles and Practice of Child-Health Care.
Text: Ephesians 6:4; Mattew l9:l3-l5; Exodus 2:9-l0
Parents have the prime responsibility of adopting scriptural and standard professional principles for children upbringing. The life of a child is largely determined in his/her childhood. Some of the proper principles of child's care are highlighted below:
- Love your child as God's gift for you. Love breeds health. I John 3:l
- At age 0-6 months, give exclusive breast feeding, clean the breast before feeding.
- Wash your hands after changing their pampers and before breast feedings.
- Be vigilant each times baby cries to know his or her needs.
- Wear clean clothes for them and keep them warm during cold weather.
- Take proper care of cord within one week of delivery.
- Keep room free of mosquitoes and sleep in ventilated room.
- Keep dangerous things away from them e.g. sharp object, drugs, hot water and dangerous chemical.
- When a child is not active, refusing to eat, and crying unnecessarily, take the child to the hospital.
- If a child is febrile (having temperature) remove the cloth, tepid sponge, and then take the child to a standard hospital.
- If your child is having diarrhoea give ORS and take the child to the hospital.
- Avoid self medication.
- Understand your child; if there are any changes in him, you supposed to know as a mother.
- Prevention is cheaper than cure.
- Do not waste time on them at home when they are sick, take them to the hospital.
- High temperature leads to convulsion in children, therefore mothers should be vigilant.
- Sterilize all utensils used for them.
- Use cup and spoon to feed them instead of feeding bottle.
- Give them fruits instead of canned drinks, sweets and chewing gum.
However, note that parents can effectively keep their children away from sickness. Some parents, especially mothers, are responsible for their sick child because they are careless in handling of their kids.
In order to prevent children from Sickness, you need to:
- practice good personal and family hygiene regularly.
- do excercise daily to keep fit.
- hand washing regularly.
- always have adequate sleep to keep mentally active.
- eat balanced diet.
- regularly submit to vaccination.
- keep dangerous chemicals away from them.
2. Considerable Perils of Improper Child Care. Text: I Samuel 2:l2; 8:3, 28; II Samuel l3:l,2,l2,l4; Acts l9:l3,l4
There are numerous considerable dangers associated with improper hostile child care. These may include:
- Development of heart disease, liver problem etc.
- Permanent damage to the child's organ e.g. eyes, ears, nose, skin etc.
- Loss of life savings due to protracted and re-occurring sicknesses.
- Breakdown of parent's health other is also at risk.
- Child becoming vagabonds, nuisance, cultist, thugs, truants etc.
- Premature death.
- Poor academic performance.
A child well cared for will be a blessing to the family, to the church and the entire community.
3. Commitment to Proper Parental and Spiritual Care.
Text: I Samuel 2:l2; I Kings l:6; Jeremiah 35:6, l8; Mattew 6:33, 34; II Timothy l:5; Acts 2l:8, 9
Children are God's heritage, therefore, train them in the way of their Creator and bring them up in the admonition of the Lord. As parents, you MUST be committed to proper Spiritual nurturing. In order to accomplish this, you must do the followings:
- Pray for them without ceasing.
- Spiritually, sing praises to them when crying.
- Teach them the word of God. Proverbs 22:6
- Allow them to participate in morning devotion.
- Don't allow them to stay long in nanny's hands, neither expect her to train them for you.
- Be closer to them and always speak to their hearing.
- Teach them short memory verse as they grow and know how to talk. Deuteronomy 6:6-9
- Attend to their gesture.
- Show love to them.
- Be their confidant and reliable example.
- Speak edifying words to their hearing.
- Discipline decisively but moderately. Hebrews l2:ll; Proverbs l3:24
- Take them to Church regularly.
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