Fasting and prayer will bring glorious liberty to prayer in the spirit and strong faith to hold on to and believe God for everyone of His 34,00 promises in the Bible (His Holy Word).If you start a chain or rope of praying folks in your fellowship, God will begin to work mighthily and miraculosly in your mist, by healing the sick, saving souls, reviving the Church, giving you financial breakthrough, etc, because it is written for as soon as Zion (the Church) travailed, she brought forth her children (Isaiah 66:
.Fasting with prayer will increase the burden for the salvation of souls.Every man of God who holds salvation and healing crusade has fasted and prayed secretly unto God for some certain period of time before the commencement of the crusade.Some of them eat nothing during the entire time of the crusade for souls.
Fasting with prayer acts as a refining and purifying fire and burns out the bad and negative thoughts, criticism, envy, hatred, jealousy, and everything not of God in you, allowing you to be filled with love and compassion for the lost souls (sinners).The Holy Spirit helps you, love everyone inspite of their faults, beliefs, what they say or don't say, because the Holy Spirit is love.The Holy Spirit gives you a desire to forgive all and love your enemies.It does not give a desire to revenge and hatred for your fellow human being.You can receive the Holy Spirit, through fasting and prayer.
Through prayer and fasting the Holy Spirit renews your mind and reveals the Word of God to you in a understandable form and in a way you can never imagine.By being continually filled amd led by the Holy Spirit you will see more clearly and get to understand that all of those who loves Jesus and are washed, cleansed and redeemed in His Blood are members of His Body which is the Church.And that His Body (the Church) are one in spirit and has only one Head, the Lord Jesus Christ.He will give you an unprejudiced love for members of His Body, no matter what country, race, or social strata they come from.
When a person gives himself to fasting and prayer with the sole purpose of moment looking into the face of the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit will transform him from glory to glory, light to light, revelation to revelation, victory to victory into the same image of Jesus Himself (2 Corinthians 3:l8).

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