Text: Isaiah 58:l; Ezekiel 33:7-ll.
Our topic today is a divine and a great commission upon every saved soul to preach the gospel as a watchman and warn everyone of the impending judgement of God upon all unrepentant sinners and backsliders. If we refuse to warn the wicked ones of their sins, if they die in their sins the Lord will require their blood at our hand. But if we warn them and they refuse to listen, they shall die in their sins, but we have delievered our soul. The Lord has no pleasure in the death of a wicked one, but that wicked turn from his ways and live.
Today many sinners turn deaf ears and hardened hearts to the gospel and word of God. They rebel againrt Him, despise and mock His words. The society today is immoral, idolatrous, corrupt, pleasure-seeking, materialistic, hardened, wicked and sinful. Yet God commands: "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins" (Isaiah 58:l). The rebellious and despiseful attitude of sinners seem to have silenced and weakened many believers (evangelist) who were vocal, zealous, eloquent, and commited for the Lord in evangelism. However, the spritual condition of sinners and the eternal doom, hell fire awaiting them should rather awaken our consciences and swing (spur) us into immediate and fervent action. As God's watchmen, we must cry aloud (preach the gospel and pray) with fervency and commitment in the morning, afternoon and evening, until sinners in their multitudes repent, forsake their sins and embrace Christ and righteousness.
No sinner must be put aside, overlooked or spared for the gospel of salvation, both the rich, and the highly placed as well as the poor and wretched sinners in the neighbourhood. The religious and self-righteous sinners; all must hear the gospel of salvation, including sinners, backsliders and hypocrites in the church; none should be spared until they surrender to Christ (Isaiah 62:l). We should not allow thoughts like he has commited a great (lot of) sin can God forgive him. Do not allow this kind and similar thought fill your heart, as it will make you lose interest in the evangelism work. The Lord God is merciful and has no pleasure or joy in the death of sinners, but he wants them all to come to the knowledge of repentance. This tells us that God has the power and He will forgive the sins of any sinner that comes to Him, no matter how great the sin commited was.
Iniquity or sin is enmity with God. Therefore, any one who sins is an enemy of God and the Light and a friend of the devil and darkness. Iniquity is abounding day by day in various ways and pattern everywhere in the nations of the world, and sinners are becoming more and more ungodly in their behaviour. Let us arise and blow the trumpet of salvation louder, warning them everywhere without minding or considering the cost, whether to life or death. Let us tell them that Jesus loves and His willing to save them no matter their sins and He is still waiting to receive them. They will come to Christ if we do not hold our peace.

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