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¤ Lack of salvation (not born again) experience leading to sin (the property of satan). - Galatians 5:l9-2l
¤ Lack of santification experience (not free from the adamic nature of sin) leading to carnality, worldliness (ungodly lifestyle), coveteousness (Jezebel, Lots wife), disobedience (Vashti), being contemptible (Michal).
¤ Lack of the fullness of the Spirit, i.e no gift of the Spirit, e.g spirit of keen perception.
¤ Waywardness, immorality (Lot's wife), unequal yoke and disloyalthy.
¤ Wickedness, deception, betrayal (Delilah) and enduring spirit. - Job 2:ll
¤ Financial constraints or poor management and evil counsel from fellow humans.
¤ Sickness, delay in child bearing, and divorce (couples living apart).
¤ Obsessively addicted to work (workaholism) - leading to neglect of family members and lack of physical intimate relationship.
¤ Suspicion, distrust, selfishness (self-minded), insincerity and self will (jumping into decision without no consultation). - Job l:l0-ll
¤ Communication problems - no interaction, evil counsels, keeping secrets (refusing to open up to others on certain issues). - Proverbs l5:2, 4; Psalm 3l:26
¤ Prayerlessness, physical and spritual carelessness and blame shifting (refusing to be at fault).
¤ Third party - in-laws, house helps and wedding gifts subjected to a curse.

3.   Counsel For Building a Blissful Home.
Proverbs l4:ll; 3l:l0-3l; Colosians 3:l8; Ephesians 5:2l-24; Titus 2:5; I Peter 3:ll; I Corinthians ll:3; Ecclesiates 9:9; Proverbs 22:6.

Building a blissful is a general desire by everyone, but you have to pay the price to see it work, for nothing comes with ease. First of all, we need to remember and know that every solid building comes along with a solid foundation, because how you lay your bed the same way you will sleep on it. And the foundation of a blissful home is Christ the Solid Rock of Ages.After establishing the foundation (Christ) we still need to continue the buildimg by partnering and working with Jesus Christ (Mattew 7:24). This makes the difficulty of building a blissful home simplified. The blissful home is God's design, since He is the architect and we can only be successful in building it when we use God'smethod and pattern (blueprint). Since the blissful home is a rich home we shall use the acronymn "R-I-C-H" to describe God's blueprint for successfully building it.

R   Redemption, renewal, relationship, rejoicing and reverence. Members of a blissful home must be redeemed. They oeed to visit Calvary with a ready heart to repent and accept the Lordship of Christ into their lives and home (Amos 3:3). This is a principal or basic thing to be done! They also must experience frequent spritual renewal through God's Word (Joshua l:8), as well as renewal of their marriage convenant.After falling in love with you life partner, stay in that love permanently (Deuteronomy 23:2l,23). Be ready to forgive always, avoid third party syndrome and anger, live in unity as you leave and cleave. Rejoice together and reverence and submit to your husband allowing him to be the head of the home (Ephesians 5:23). Members need to reproduce the nine fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22) and move om to the santification experience.
I   Interaction and intercession. Their is a need for constant cordial relationship and companionship. Spend good and quality time together. Eat, play games, have fun and take a walk together. Hug one another daily from time to time. Help children with their homework. Share life experiences daily and call one another during the day. Praise and thank one another often. Create time to enjoin and be together. Rich quiet time as well as steady regular family altar is mandatory. The family that prays together in unity, stays together and satan fears a praying family (Ephesians 4:27,32; 6:l0-l8).
C   Commitment, communication, courtesy, cleanliness, conjugal love, chastity, contentment and child training. Members of a blissful home need to be committed to God and His work. The husband and wife must be committed to their marital convenant which can only be terminated by death. They must communicate effectively and daily since most conflicts in the home disappear when couples speak right, gracious and pleasant words which areseasoned with salt. Communication channels must be kept opened always and time must be invested on this. Members must be courteous towards one another. Cleanliness of the home must be maintained and personal hygiene is a must for health. There must be chastity and conjugal love as well as contentment. Besides,a virtuous woman is the catalyst in the spritual, physical, social and educational training for her children. Pray for and with them.
H   Help meet, hospitality and heavenly mindedness. The wife in a blissful home must be a true and sincere help meet to her husband. She must be supportive and contribute to the well being of the family in all ramifications of the family life. She must be hardworking and good in financial management. She must be hospitable to her in-laws, extended family members, visitors, friends and strangers. She must be sociable and accommodating as well as heavenlx minded (Colosians 3:l-3; Romans l2:l3).

In conclusion, a blissful home is made and not born. You have to make up your mind to have it, and go all the way out for it. With men it may be impossible but with God all things are possible. Whether our homes are blissful or not depends on the amount of effort we are willing to put into making it so. We must be mindful of the three stages in marital life.

When we remain resolute in building according to pattern we shall build a blissful home which satan will neither be able to bend or break.

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