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Text: Genesis 2:l8; l8:l9; Proverbs l4:l; 3l:l0-3l; Joshua 24:l5; Ephesians 5:2l-24.

A home is defined as "a place where the family is invented, founded and developed, and act as the dwelling place of every member of the family". There, you have a sense of belonging. The sociologists who had knowledge about the development, organization, functioning and classification of human societies, state it that "the home unit is the principal part of our general growth and development". The human mind has been created by God to be moulded and nurtured in the home. It is the first and integral agent of socialization that every child in the world must pass through. A blissful home is one of the greatest  gift or blessing we can enjoy in life, if only we are on the Lord's side. It is a place of serene joy, perfect happiness, everlasting peace and glory. It is a kind of home hanged (anchored) on the principle of unity, love, companionship (brother's keeper), and mutual understanding and relationship. Each member of the family longs to have such a blissful home.

Building a home is similar to building a house. You need a pattern or an architectural design, done by an architect. Who is the architect of your home? God or devil, friends or hidden enemies, sinners or saints. The choice is yours, to choose the architect of your home. It is the architect that you choose that will tell how your home will look like. Many homes are running and have run into problems today because members are not building their home in accordance with the pattern and methods designed by the right and orginal architect - God.  When a home is broken, dysfunctional (break down of mutual relationship among members of the family), either in structure (when the composition is contrary to God's blueprint) or in culture (having ungodly and devilish lifestyle), members of the home (family) will have broken hearts, shattered dreams, dysfunctional lives and delinquent descendants (descendants that fail or neglect duty or obligation). Building a blissful home without the builders (members of the home) being bent or broken can only be achieved when the builders are building by following the Bible-based rules, regulation and model, using the bricks and cement of God's Word to make the home strong and firm.

Characteristics of a Blissful Home.
Text: Psalm l33: l-3; l Corintians l3:l-8; Ephesians 5:2l-24.

A blissful home is a perfect happy home. It is a home filled with joy, happiness, love, meekness, laughter, peace, patience, order, rest, understanding, wisdom, gentleness, goodness, faith, temperance and fufilment. It is a home where its members experience and feel heaven on earth. Why? It is because a blissful home is built or anchored on the Saviour, Jesus Christ the Solid Rock, who is the Founder,  Foundation, Teacher, Pillar, Head, Counsellor and Guide of a blissful home. It is a home full of sweetness - like the fields of summer flowers are full of fragrance, and sweeter than honey. It is a home moving on the wheel's of God's Word, love and care. It is sunshine and everygreen each day! Challenges may come, but members of the home are able to take everything in their strides. Members are always impatiently desirerous or anxious to go home. A blissful home is made up of father, mother with or without children. Some times we may have house-helps (house-maid or house-boy) and in-laws also in our blissful home. A blissful home is monogamous (one man, one wife) and not polygamous (one man, multiple wife) and not also polyandry (multiple man, one wife). It is a home where mutual love, understanding, regard or respect regulates and control husband and wife relationship; where children show great respec (honour) and obey their parents and are law-abiding in their immediate community. The father and mother in turn appreciate, show great tenderness and train their children in the way and pattern of the Lord. Such was the house of Zachariah and Elizabeth, Joseph and Mary, Aquila and Priscilla.

2.   Caterpillars Which Bend Or Break Homes.
Text: II Samuel 6:l6; Job 2:9-l0; Songs of Solomon 2:l5; Proverbs l4:l; Romans l:2l-27; Galatians 5:l9-2l

Every home faces challenges in different forms which act as caterpillars to destroy homes. Since the home (family) is the foundation of a large, peaceful and successful society, satan works hard in all areas to destroy it. He has activated his demonic agents (possed and inspired by devil) out of rest to fight against homes at personal and ideological levels. Many homes are trembling (shaking) and falling apart or away daily and the seperation (divorce) rate is growing at an increased rate. Satan-inspired idologies are gaining ground nowadays, e.g Same-s3x marriage (man-to-man gay, and woman-woman lesbanism marriage), polygamy (one man many wife), single-parenthood (now a fad), and live-in-arrangements. In fact, divorce is now consciously fashionable and seperation of families is a general and normal thing today. Yet, the consequences are dangerous, deadly, grave and destructive. Children from or born in such homes face impromptu hardship psychologically (moodly), physicallx, mentally (relating to brain), and socially. Those children end up later unloved, uncared and insecure. However, with Jesus in the moving boat of our homes, it will surely smile at the storm of life! The little foxes or dogs satan implements and uses to destroy growing homes include the following:

To be continued.

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