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 A married woman is suppose to be happy and not sad.when you met her befor marriage she was happy so, why after marriage she is sad..dont forget that the bible sad in ephesians 5:25-27 that
husbands love your wives, even as christ love the church and gave himself for it that,he might sanctify and cleans it with the washing of water by the word,that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot,or wrinkle, or any such things but,that it should be holy and without blemish.
 women are know for there words of mouth but that,does not mean men should listen.every relationship has its ups and down but that does not mean you have to quit.solve your problems by discussing about it and mending the faults not by pointing fingers or fighting. a christian home is a home built on the words of the lord, built on the love he shared and of the teaching he gave.
 Ye men that thing that is drawing you out to other women, do it for your wife so you can be drawn to her.prayer is the key to a successful marriage

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