Chris: <h1>How To Seduce Any Girl Even If She Has a Boyfriend</h1>Boyfriend Destroyer is a hot topic right now in the seduction world. After all, most good women usually don't remain single for long.In this issue, I Christopher (the boyfriend destroyer guru) will show you how I put a clever twist on an old hypnosis technique to seduce womenwho are already attached. It's not as complicated as it sounds... but it works like a charm.=================The Boyfriend Destroyer Technique - Seduce Any Woman Even If She's Already Taken=================This technique is a modified version of what we know as "Future Projection" in the hypnosis and persuasion world. It's designed to be used in situations where you've just met the girl (and she has told you that she has a boyfriend or a fiancè).The trick here is to be light in commitment and make it "natural" for her to agree to see you again despite having a boyfriend. This is done by appearing "harmless", and using a technique called "Future Projection" to fire up her imagination on future meetings with you.Here's the line:"So, I had a lot of fun and would love to talk again. Can I get your number?"HER: "Um, I already in a relationship"YOU: "Oh, you're taken? Well, that's disappointing. But I guess I need to respect your relationship. Can I ask you something, though? Would you besurprised if you actually wanted to spend more time with me, too?Imagine us having a drink together at the beach and laughing - having a great time and just being comfortable in each other's presence?"HER: "Hmmm"YOU: "While imagining this, wouldn't it seem natural to go to the beach with me this weekend?"By saying that you "need to respect her relationship", you're appearing to be harmless and unaffected. Then, using the "imagine" trigger, you're "projecting" her to the future - an experience that she shares with you.Again, for women that you've just met, you want to appearlight-hearted and harmless. Save the "heavy duty" techniques (Telling her your feelings or Totally ignoring her) for later when you have developed some rapport with her.Use the Boyfriend Destroyer technique, and you'll now stand a chance with any woman, whether she has a boyfriend or not. Go for it.
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