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you can tell us something funny, good,bad or worst thing you did  in the past . . . here is to make people laugh; not other thing you think. 

i love you all
I had s3x with a 29 year old last month
I can't believe this! Ay's crib is very funny oh!
Ok i slaped my sister and floged her bt she said 'dat was sweet'.I gave her d best icecream. She said 'pua! BITTER' 
I don't have a girlfriend so i need a girlfriend pls help me out
I nid elper 2 tel me abt relationship........... Can any1 elp here
I luv to kiss my gil but she is shy
I luv to kiss my girl but she is shy
Remember you introduced a topic concerning this, well a reply has been posted. Go check it out and tell us your mind, what you think about the suggesting reply; if it helps or not.
@Damian, you are so funny! You are just 18yrs and you had s3x with a lady of 29yrs; how did the lady accept that? Tell me, l want to know the tactics you use.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
@Damian u bad o
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I hv a guy who luvs me but is shy of telling me he luvs me. Pls elp me out
s3xy mama*2
Debby 2630, For the fact that you are aware of his love for you, then there is nothing to worry about. Go tell him this "i know you love me sooo sooo much and don't know how to say it. Well its alright; you love me and i love you". Say this if truely you love him but if not, just say "I understand you love me, well you need not worry anymore cos its alright.
 Now hug him and the case is settled as you are both now happy and comfortable.
i don't love any guy but i am in a date just to make him happy but am tired of pretence n i just don't know wat to do
Den tell him dnt b shy
s3xy mama*2
Debby 2630, For the fact that you are aware of his love for you, then there is nothing to worry about. Go tell him this "i know you love me sooo sooo much and don't know how to say it. Well its alright; you love me and i love you". Say this if truely you love him but if not, just say "I understand you love me, well you need not worry anymore cos its alright.
 Now hug him and the case is settled as you are both now happy and comfortable.
But she realy needs boldness to do this.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
I know but needs 2 try
s3xy mama*2
i don't love any guy but i am in a date just to make him happy but am tired of pretence n i just don't know wat to do
For how long will you pretend? Tell him frankly.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
@damian,u Are A Bad Guy.tell Me Wat U Used.dat Lady Must Be silly.anyway I slaped A Guy Cos He Wanted 2 Kiss Me.
@Lilix, its good at your age, because l believe you are not yet ready for marriage; when the time comes, nobody will force you; you will use style to get your man yourself.
 lf you are 27years and above and you are still saying you dont want to have relationship with any man, we will then know that the case requires prayer of deliverance.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
@lilix is doesn't mean until you clock 20yrs or above before you could date just from seventeen upward you could have a male friend just to know the characteristics about male. @sam7 you are very funny.
@Gbenga, realy?; well, you have a point; but if you look vividly into the statements, you will see the real undiluted and infallible truth.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
One secret about me is that l take note of details and learn from smallest thing around, even what others may count as useless; l may be passing by and see a mad-man and listen to what he is saying, if l can gain anything from it.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
I was in lbadan city sometime ago, boarding a bus; l then saw a guy sagging in the bus, l then told the guy "look, your trouser wants to fall down...."
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
@Sam7, funny
Sam is right. That's my own philosophy of life as well. I take every thing serious, no matter how infinitesimal it may look, I dont overlook things. One secret about me is that there two things I'll never do in my life: Running(except during exercise) nor Shouting.
Sam is right. That's my own philosophy of life as well. I take every thing serious, no matter how infinitesimal it may look, I dont overlook things. One secret about me is that there two things I'll never do in my life: Running(except during exercise) nor Shouting.
That's a very thoughtful & good policy.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .

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