Realomaigala: My name is Mary I am 19years old.I come from a very poor family.We could hardly eat two times daily buteverything was under the control of God.When I was little, my mom used to callme aprophetess.I always laughed whenever she calledme that. One day i decided to ask her whyshealways called me a prophetess.She said that whenshe was looking for a fruit of womb thepastor who prayed for me told me that Iwill conceive and givebirth to a girl and that girl shall deliverand heal people in the world.In fact she will see visions.When I heard this, cold entered into me.I ran off from her presence because itsounded so real.After six years, my dad called me allkinds of bad names, he will sometimesregrethaving me as achild. After he said all those things I will cryand just go away.One day when I was sitting in my room,a voice spoke to me saying, why areyoudelaying my people's blessing? I turned backto check what justhappened and I could not see anyone.It repeated three times till I fell on thefloor. Crying and weeping, Then thevoicesaid, call upon me I will answer, whateveryou ask me I willgrant.After couple of hours, I stared speakingin tongue, my body was covered withthespirit. I started praying and giving outprophecies.. My mom came in and shewashealed from her fibroids.My dad got a call from his company.I then quickly grabbedmy phone to prophecy to the personreading this,You shall not end up as a failure.
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