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Tomorrow is Mr president(Goodluck jonanthan) birthday what are ur wish to mr president....

Oh our dear president, i wish him more wisdom, more love, more care nd most of all long life nd prosperity.
Hapy birthday Mr president,I wish u many more years of happy celebration and selfless service to our nation"NIGERIA"
selfless service u said
my life-my business,U gossip - Ur headache, I flex - U vex, U beef-Ur problem, I Achieve -U provoke.
mr president i wish u many more yrssssss!
Tomorrow is Mr president(Goodluck jonanthan) birthday what are ur wish to mr president....
Thats true it was shown on Tv just yesterday. Yesterday marked 56years for Mr President. I pray God gives him the strength to lead Nigeria to a greater height.
Long life nd prsperity
mr president,i wish u good luck
Wish Him Long Life & Prosperity, & D Wisdom To Rule D Nation
Happy birthday
wish him goodluck
I wish mr.president a good health in other to make the asuu strike to continue. Happi birthday.
Oh our dear president, i wish him more wisdom, more love, more care nd most of all long life nd prosperity.
may he live lng 2 c nigeria been beta than dis weo he is dethroned or retire
I wish my president wisdom and many many more yrs
How can a man rule a country were be say no WHERE save! Church no save;house no save;bush no save;hospital no save; school no save; hotel kpakpa e no save, the only place were save now; na sementry; even ikoyi sementry two dead body relocate from ikoyi sementry recently when they hear say bomb the come Lagos. Tor nothing were we go talk sha ooo. All the same HAPPY BIRTHDAY our -_++;-'PrESiDEnt-+':",!_
Tomorrow is Mr president(Goodluck jonanthan) birthday what are ur wish to mr president....
Is It Only GEJ GOVT That Insecurity Started? Some Pple Will Sit Down & Criticise Govt. If Dey Give U A Week To Rule Dis Nation Only God Knows Wat Will Happen. Even Thier Families & Children Dey Can't Control.
& They Will Sit With No Common Sense & Criticise Govt. NOTE: ONLY D WISE PRAY 4 THEIR LEADERS IN POWER WHILE D FOOLS CRITICISE.pray 4 D Peace Of Jerusalem( Nigeria) & There In U Will Have Peace
God will give him d grace&power 2 rule nigeria.
happy birthday mr presidenl i wish you long life and prosperity
Oh our dear president, i wish him more wisdom, more love, more care nd most of all long life nd prosperity.
Happy birthday mr president, wishing you long life and prosperity,wisdom and power to rule the nation (nigeria).
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