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A disrespectful male/female, whom does it affect much wen grown?

female y?b'coz it will be very difficult 4 er 2 get married...
she faces sum chalenges in d famly afta mariag can u talk futha?
Well It D Females. Bcos They Regard Us As Weaker Vessels
Well,the above issue has negative effects on anybody that grows up with it,whether male/female.
female y?b'coz it will be very difficult 4 er 2 get married...
You'r there. And even if those stuborn & rude ones successfully gets married, the marriage most atimes don't last coz as the man ends up getting tired of the marriage thing. This could make him sign a divorce. Women really need 2 control their tongue and mind the words that comes out. Coz if they don't, am afraid the result really will not be an encouraging one.
i think is anybody
It has greater effect on the female child.
l think it has equal effect on both.
Pride is the root-cause of disrespect and pride causes destruction in anybody's life.
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A man can dictate how he wants his home to be like, but a woman? No way, if you can't swallow your pride, you are on course for doom.
But if a man is brought up with attitude of disrespect and pride, he can never have marital success; l want you to know that, the fact that the man is the head of the family doesn't turn the wife to slave and doesnt turn the man to dictator: he needs opinions of his wife to succeed in many aspects of marriage.
A man with pride can never apologise to his wife or say sorry when he does something wrong, which can scatter home.
Apart from family life(because the topic is not on family life alone); if someone(either man or woman) is brought up with disrespective attitude, he doesnt have regard for anybody, even elders and that can quickly destroy someone's life.
Many problems people are facing today is as the result of disregard for elders.
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And such a man can be blesses with a jewel, I don't wanna call her silly but a woman who would only love him the way he is. Fate is sometimes unfair!
My friend; believe this today; women could be funny atimes; even the most gentle woman on earth can grow wild if you mis-manage her emotions: woman are made like that.
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I cannot argue with you coz you 've seen more than I do. But to be candid, I think men do not stand a 50-50 chance on this.
No, it's not so; this men's ego is there naturally, but anyone who wants to have happy home and happy life must subdue it in his mind.
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Its alright, I get you.

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