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(A) live the premises
(B) get angry & scatter the          ground
(C) dont utter a word so as 
     not to say what you are
     not suppose to say
(D) be singing.

Keep to myself so dat i won't utter a bad statements at dat moment.
the first thing to do is to calm down
A & C are best options; remaining silence is good not to say bad things; but if you remain there, listening more and more to what your antagonist is saying, you may be forced to speak and scatter things unneccesarily.
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Each time i keep quiet when i am made angered i will not get myself untill i do what is in my mind.
Don't utter a word just stay calm bt if u hav anytin 2 say, say it bt in a calm manner in order not 2 hold tins in ure heart aginst ure antergonist
@Austine Chika, you should not always do what is in your mind;what is in your mind may be wrong;allow God to take control at that moment and as Viviblizz said,if you have anything to say,say it with wisdom, lest you're badly judged at the end of the matter.
l've learnt something in life: "SILENCE IS THE BEST ANSWER FOR A FOOL".
 There is a man(relative of mine) in my village;this man had disagreement with another man and his antagonist started cursing him bitterly,but the man kept silence and didnt fight at all with the other person;some days later his antagonist died suddenly.
  People were then congratulating this man on the fact that he didnt talk;if he talked, they would say he's the one who killed his antagonist.
  We must be careful of our words because words are like eggs which cannot be recovered after its smashed on the floor.
  We must be careful of our conversations and dispositions in the time of provocation. He that's able to control his tongue is more powerful than he who controls a city.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .

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