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Mr A

Girls - Sometimes you may wonder... What secrets do men keep? Or What secrets could a man have?

Dont freak out if you find out things like this late in the game. A guy hides some info until he is sure you are girlfriend material.


   Work Worries
Dudes don’t want you to know if they are not 100 percent confident in an area that is core to their self esteem. A guy will always act like everything is super on the job, even if he’s rethinking his career choice or sweating getting fired.

   His Cluelessness
He isn’t trying to be phony when he pretends to have seen a movie you reference or picks a wine without knowing if it’s red or white. Men frequently fake expertise when they want you to trust that they can take care of you.

   Medical History
You might think of routine medical maladies like a knee injury or an appendix removal as no big deal, but many men consider any physical failing to be a sign of weakness.

   The Timing Of His Last Love
He may be vague about exactly when his last breakup occurred. He would hate for you to think he’s a player if it was like, five minutes ago or that he’s lame if it’s been years.


   Why do they say “I’m sorry you feel that way”?
When you are hoping for an outright apology, this common male line can seem like a cop-out. But take solace in this: Men may not always understand why you are upset, but they usually still want to express genuine remorse.
As long as he is otherwise a solid guy who respects your emotions, give him the benefit of doubt when his version of “I’m sorry” doesn’t sound effective.

Follow @JalingoHQ on twitter.
I wish all my girl friends will see this

Mr A
Mr A Admin
Oh yes she can.
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Follow @JalingoHQ on twitter.

lol.. She wee laff tire!!

Amasing fact
luv is wicked
I wish all my girl friends will see this
what will happen all men are thesame

I did not understand, what u means that all men are the same. pls, i want u to tell me.
if u rili love ur galfrnd u wld tell her evrytin cos trust is d main tin in a relationship keep no secret frm each other
pls lovers don't hide secrets frm each other becos if dey is no trust, dey is no love besides secrets breaks relationshp
It's true, there may be a secret that ur patner may not like so don't hide any.
it not realy true
hhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!! LOVE IS WICKED
  Thats true, some guyz keep secrets from their girlfriends pretending to be a true lover when it is fake. These are some hidden secrets they keep=>
Fake love, being a cultist, you were once a criminal or probably being the murderer of her parents.
what will happen all men are thesame

  What the'r one of those guyz that hid secrets having lots of girlfrnds without any of them knwing about it.
men don't ought 2 keep secret away 4rm women,except for personal reasons.
Keeping screts in any frndship is just like a grave yard
Yah u ve got tu tel hr every tin
Mr A:

Girls - Sometimes you may wonder... What secrets do men keep? Or What secrets could a man have?

Dont freak out if you find out things like this late in the game. A guy hides some info until he is sure you are girlfriend material.


Work Worries
Dudes don’t want you to know if they are not 100 percent confident in an area that is core to their self esteem. A guy will always act like everything is super on the job, even if he’s rethinking his career choice or sweating getting fired.

His Cluelessness
He isn’t trying to be phony when he pretends to have seen a movie you reference or picks a wine without knowing if it’s red or white. Men frequently fake expertise when they want you to trust that they can take care of you.

Medical History
You might think of routine medical maladies like a knee injury or an appendix removal as no big deal, but many men consider any physical failing to be a sign of weakness.

The Timing Of His Last Love
He may be vague about exactly when his last breakup occurred. He would hate for you to think he’s a player if it was like, five minutes ago or that he’s lame if it’s been years.


Why do they say “I’m sorry you feel that way”?
When you are hoping for an outright apology, this common male line can seem like a cop-out. But take solace in this: Men may not always understand why you are upset, but they usually still want to express genuine remorse.
As long as he is otherwise a solid guy who respects your emotions, give him the benefit of doubt when his version of “I’m sorry” doesn’t sound effective.
Hmmmmm i see!
Hmn how did u know these
HmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmGod Help Me

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