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Head Mod.
Written by @dianahsplace

I saw this in one of my BB groups, MileHigh Group (and No!
its not what you are thinking)
and it dawned on me that just
like every other failed promises
we have been getting , PHCN or
NEPA has been a failed project
for a very long time! We act like
power generation is rocket
science!Little wonder why we all
think whoever gets us off this
perpetual blackout in Nigeria will
be a superhero. Obviously none
of our leaders, past or present
believes in superheroes, so why
be something you dont even
believe in?
It is amusing the way we keep
creating future plans, never
thinking the day will come when
we have to give account for
those promises we make, Our
leaders do not even respect us
enough to try, neither do they
respect themselves enough to
keep their own promises.
I recall a theme song for one of
the "failed projects" when I was
a kid:
Join us, come with us
We are on our way
Education for all, by the year
2000 ( They never thought
2000 would come that
What a joke! It is 2012 and our
education is still a joke, getting
worse by the day. We create
visions 2010, 2012, 2015, 2020
and of course no one even
believes any of those crappy
visions, because nothing is ever
put in place!
Back to PHCN, am I the only one
who noticed that the bills have
doubled and the power supply is
less? Can someone please shut
down PHCN the way NITEL has
been shut down, so we can
have private coporations who
know what power generation is
about do their job? because
seriously, whenever I have the
misfortune of going to PHCN, It
becomes even ,more apparent
that they have no clue what
they are doing.
PHCN/NEPA has been a long term
joke, and no one is laughing
anymore, so I guess it is about
time we called in a new act,
what do you think

PHCN issue is like time bomb, it will soon explode like that of NITEL

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