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Is playing video games good for us?
It’s a question I hear daily from gamers – as well as from their parents, teachers, doctors, therapists, and pastors.

Dey re of course, itz part of fun u knw, nd dere iz tym 4 fun.
it good bcos it's just for fun but don't let it control you.
Though video games are mere simulations, they biuld a child's intellect
@Sir-Phil, Well, you have more knowledge on anything game/sport than l do.
How l wish l develop, if it's just a little interest in this game of a thing; but l dont think l would have time for it.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
Am afraid it already too late for you, given your age and ready-made exposure. But you must not deny your kids this opportunity.
What are the benefits and will it not corrupt them or inder their academic performance?
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
You can control it. We were allowed to own laptops in secondary school. All the hostel master ensured was that we only had access to them during weekends.
 The proprietor made it public that he wants us to play video games during our free time, there was also a time resereved on Wednesday evenings called TV time.
 It helps a child in his composition and builds their vulcabulary
Ok, noted: thanks for the enlightenment.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
You always welcome.
So I play on in not useful games)

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