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I'm sure everyone would want a peaceful family. What are the qualities a peaceful family should have ?

Mr A
Mr A Admin
Love and communication are what's basic... among others.
Follow @JalingoHQ on twitter.
A gud family is wen there is sincerity luv within d family which means a gud family will b gud by d power of luv which mean in a good family there no much misunderstanding
A gud family deir wil be always LUV,bcus wen deir is luv, deir wil be peace,joy,wealth,promotion, an so many gud thingz
So guyz, you are suggesting 4 the presence of Luv
Yes o @ operakid
Don't u no dat LOVE is d gr8test tinz in dis planent called EARTH
Wat i know is that it is the strongest feeling in this planet Earth
Maybe they should understand themselves before they step on each others toes
LOVE mm!
Everyone want a good family. A good family must be filled wit love not a lust be a sincere love that will last longer because if there is love there peace will reign bcos LOVE never blame.
i tik der shuld b luv in hom
A peaceful family is that which is loving, caring, tolerating, whenever there is occurence of misunderstanding they settles immediately(they dnt believe in malice but in peace and continuity in unity) they are never divided
nor disagreement.
i belive a peaceful
family wil b in luv
cos d words PEACEFUL is
It Is A Family Dat Has Love 4 Each Other,where Christ Is D Foundation & Head Of D Home. & Where Dey Respect Each Others Right
d fist thing is love, understand eachother and summitive by d wife.
Qualities of a peaceful home:
Love- Unity, Endurance & Tolerance, Godliness etc
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