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As a student, could being in a relationship contribute negatively to your performance academically? Your honest thoughts pls.

Chris Head Mod.
Yes it does. Relationships are absorbing, it takes most or all of a students attention and focus. Worse is if the relationship turns sour which would put one or both of the parties down leading to horrible academic results. What do you guys think? Anybody opposing?
Chris Head Mod.
I forgot to mention, breakups have led to a few sui.cides in teenagers
Yes,it may cause
Yes, eg when u both have mis understanding it affect your academic intelligent.
Chris Head Mod.
How exactly does it affect someone's academic 'intelligence'?
Yes it does! when a student who isn't yet through with his or her education is in a relationship, that relationship will take his mind, time and focus at this point, his/her urge 4 studies diminishes bcos their urge n focus will now be based on marriage
2 my own understanding u can't do two thing at a time. is either u focus on one and leave another,  but is better u leave relationship and face ur studies.
Some can but if it's a serious one I don't tink so
s3xy mama*2
Yes it does. Relationships are absorbing, it takes most or all of a students attention and focus. Worse is if the relationship turns sour which would put one or both of the parties down leading to horrible academic results. What do you guys think? Anybody opposing?
yes i am opposing.
when i was in a relationship during my secondary skul days it benefits me alot because we do explain what we dont understand to ourselves and read together and we make sure we are d best in our class.
So I can boldly say my own relationship contribute positively to my accademics performance because all we do  think of is our accademic and nothing more.
Depends On D Kind Of Relationship
It does affect relationship negatively; that is why mature christian leaders advice students to shun marital or opposite s3x relationship until they are in their final year or final semester.
They have strong reasons for that.
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