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Mr A
Yesterday on my way to work, I saw this man sitting on the sidewalk eating something out of a bowl, it didn't take long to notice that it was little bits of bread soaked in water.

Out of compassion, I gave him N200 and walked away.

Also, during thanksgiving in my church, I see rich men donating millions of naira to the church (already completed) while beggars sit hopelessly under the scorching sun outside the church gate. Outside the church gate!! and after church, these same men would either totally ignore the beggars trailing after them or give them 10 Naira. 10 Naira!! Shame on them all. They give money to churches as though the priests would send the money directly to God.

The best way to please God is to help other people.

We keep protesting and complaining that the level of poverty in the country is off the top but when a homeless man asks for spare change we're too busy protesting to even listen.

We spit in the faces of the same people we're fighting for. We keep asking for change when we are the ones to make the change. The change begins with you.

Follow @JalingoHQ on twitter.
You are right bro. The best way to please God is by pleasing others.
 The measure you give out will be the measure you receive. So give out the best you have.
I prefer 2 donate my money in church dan givin beggars..There was a day i went on my way comin back i saw a beggar followin me and askin me 4 moni but i did n't much on me dat day..and d beggar begin 2 curse me dat i would never av moni..i was shock 4rm dat day i av vow never 2 give beggars money again
@bunmiest, well you have a point; but one thing you need to remember is that adage that says "if you close your eyes because you dont want to see bad people passing by, good people will pass by and you will not see them" . People have given money to beggars on the streets without knowing they have given money to angels and they have got great breakthroughs. Some people's problems are solved only through giving of alms; so dont overlook it, because a beggar has treated you in a bad way.
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I will try
Giving money 2 beggers is very good, if have at dat point. bcos bible says 'give 2 d person dat ask' 4me i give 2 both churches and any body dat ask.
@FUBLESSING, you have a good point: giving to both beggars and the church have their different purposes; both sides are necessary.
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@marvis,d best way 2 please God is not 2 please others but to follow peace
@marvis,d best way 2 please God is not 2 please others but to follow peace with all men
I wil give 2 both depending on wot av got in my pocket
that's right i will give to both but i will be very careful.
he who knows how to do good and does not do it to him its a not with hold good from a person when u are in the position to do so
my life-my business,U gossip - Ur headache, I flex - U vex, U beef-Ur problem, I Achieve -U provoke.
That's right I will give to both, but I will be very careful.
Hummmm, wise saying.
 Let God lead you in giving alms especially.
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he who knows how to do good and does not do it to him its a not with hold good from a person when u are in the position to do so
But do you know that many dont know that when they have ability to help others or beggars and refuse to do it, it has become sin to them?
 Many would say "its my money, l can spend it as l like" without knowing that they will give account of that money to God.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
link=topic=298.msg15311#msg15311 date=1388183856:

But do you know that many dont know that when they have ability to help
 others or beggars and refuse to do it, it has become sin to them?
 Many would say "its my money, l can spend it as l like" without knowing
 that they will give account of that money to God.
my life-my business,U gossip - Ur headache, I flex - U vex, U beef-Ur problem, I Achieve -U provoke.
Giving money to both beggars or those in needs and the church is the best; givers never lack.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .

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