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can a woman marry to two husbands?

 Yes, some women do
Yea,but is not very common in Africa rather is a popular practice in India
yes some sum women do. bt nt a gud act
@ marvisdby. can u advice ur daughter in such a act
Yes! if u will be among the suitors.
No a woman cn nt marry 2 husbnd...becus d bible did nt surport dt
Even though d bible did not support it, some women are still doing it but not common.
yes of course ! she can if she is equal to d task & if d two men agree 2 share her.
my life-my business,U gossip - Ur headache, I flex - U vex, U beef-Ur problem, I Achieve -U provoke.
yes some  women do which is not suppose 2 be
i dae craze to agree wit a man to share my wife even if ah dey craze self...wich kind nonsense
What an irony of life to give oneself to polyandry! Its ridiculous.
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it nt gud 4 a woman to marry tu men
Well,its based on the woman strength
@Samuelchinedu, can you allow your wife to marry another man with you; if she has the strength?
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yeah, some women do it
@bunmiest, is it right is what we are saying here? Do you support it? Can you do it because some women are doing it?
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A woman who does dat shod be taken 2 a sycatric hospital 4 2years treatment.
All my enemy will dance skelewu 2 hell.
No a woman cn nt marry 2 husbnd...becus d bible did nt surport dt
Funny you, how many pple are following the Bible now adays?.
Well,its based on the woman strength
which kind strength? No matter wot it is not good.
Because it is called adultery.
Because it is called adultery and there will be problem among the children in the future.
yes it is possible even in nigeria some rich women do dat.
Bt datz 2 bad, 2 men at a time?
some women are bold enougg to do dat but as for me i cant
hw can a woman marry two husbandx....d two husbandx shuld b foolx to ave acepted such atrocitiex...abeg ma wife no b charity organization
It is called polyandry. It's found mostly in India.
@Ingrid, I agree with you; such a woman is mad and needs treatment.
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But Sam, it is a tradition practiced in India

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