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It took thousands of years after
domesticating the horse to invent the stirrup.

54 million people alive right now will be
dead within 12 months.

You replace every particle in your body
every seven years. You are literally not the
same person you were 7 years ago.

When your mother was born, she was
already carrying the egg that would become

A tree is the opposite of your lungs.
Physically and functionally.

Mayonnaise is made from oil and eggs.

The sun is 400x further from the earth than
the moon, but the moon is 400x smaller than
the sun.

All the humans on the planet could fit into 1
cubic mile.

Goats have rectangular pupils.

If there was no space between any of its
atoms, Earth would be the size of a baseball.



I'm not known, not even by myselft,
Spottykay Publisher
I don't understand it?
There is one big lie in this post;the statement
"All the human on the planet could fit into 1 cubic mile."
is a big lie and that is not possible.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
Sam! Think about it once more, a cubic mile? He may be right!
It can never be possible !
You dont know what is saying?
One mile cubic is a space with 1mile length, 1mile breath, 1mile height; can you now that space can contain all human being on the earth?
Even many camp centers for these big churches is more than that each and few people would just fill it up.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
Just imagine that one person was 0.25miles long, how many people will occupy the ground level lieing down. Think of those that would follow, again and again, till that space is filled up. But on the other hand, am begining to see sense in your protests, am not certain its possible.
My observation is when I see people in large crusades or camp grounds; the way people(who are not even up to the people in a city) pack themselves and very tight to move.
For example, Deeper Life Camp congregational area alone is up to 1km breath and 1 and half km length; people are always packed.
You know kilometre is a little bit shorter than a mile.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
Yes, One mile is approximately about 1.6kilometres.
Imagine someone saying all of us on the earth can be packed into 1 mile square.
Call for Total Cure from all diseases on 08079549042 / .
At last I just realised it is impossible. Unless you would have to pound us to pieces.

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