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Mr A
Awards for the monthly top poster began 5 days ago (26th October), and like I explained, we were already at the end of October, so the N5000 cash prize will begin this month (November).

But as a prelude, we decided that the top poster between 26th and 31st October will be awarded 500 Jalingo Coins which can be used to buy recharge vouchers from our shop and place adverts on

That winner is Sir-Phil. Congratulations, we have added 500 credits to your account.

Again, the N5000 cash prize has kicked off. If you would want to take the money home this month, you already know what to do.

Follow @JalingoHQ on twitter.
Gratittude Sir, but I would like another member to take the next prize. I love the progress of this site and I would not see myself involved in any monopoly.
 Like I earlierly stated, am not gonna stay offline, even if I run top poster this month, I would rather see my second take the prize.
 Long live!
Sir-phil, am so happy for you
Thanks. I just didn't want it to look like cowardice. Good luck for the next edition.

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