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Mr A
Introducing our newest feature which will allow you to unsend a PM that has already been sent.


There are currently 3 basic folders in your PM area.

Inbox: Contains messages you have received.
Sent Items: Cointains messages you have sent which have been read by the recipients.
Outbox: Contains messages you have sent, which have NOT been read by the recipients.

You can edit or unsend messages which are still in your outbox, which signifies that they have not been read.
Once the recipient reads your message, that message will automatically be moved to your 'Sent Items' and then of course you won't be able to unsend it.

In addition, there was a problem where if you had more than one message and clicked on PM, all the messages automatically marks themselves as read. This problem is now fixed.

If you find any errors using this feature, feel free to reply to this thread.

Follow @JalingoHQ on twitter.
Welldone Mr Administrator ... "#Send & Unsend", Truely a nice feature.
I haven't noticed any errors, everything seems to be working efficiently.

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