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Having taken up teaching as a profession, I 've exprienced a lot of things.
Spanking was never in my agenda for students but of recent, it actually is.
  We often encourage the use of instructional materials which many refers to as teaching aids. These facilitate learning, but on the contrally, they do not prove that effective.
  Students would rather see a penalty before they open up their mings to learn. It turned up that the whip was obviously the best and now I would carelessly say the most reliable option.
  I would like to have your opinions on this coz up till this moment, I could not think of a better instructional material other than a whip!

You are making sense here; l wonder why some new generation schools are against the use of whip.
I worked with a school called Climax College, in Ogijo, Ogun-State; the policy of the school is even worse; a teacher cannot flog a student, but only send such student to principal whenever he/she offends in the class. I called them to order, but they refuse to listen, until they begin to see the repercursion of their bad policy; the performance of the students was going down, because, they think it is wicked to use whip on students.
In my 17years experience of teaching, l've never seen a group of students who are successful morally and accademically without the use of whip on them.
I begin to see some schools now who think they are building future leaders without the use of whip; there can be no discipline in any school where they take the use of whip as outdated policy.
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I had to give 5 extra marks to sudents just to get an overall class average of 52! Thats the lowest I 've ever had in my teaching expirience!
I've seen lower than that; you l worked with many schools; there was a time l was teaching 9 schools together as a music teacher and there's no way you'll not see such among nine schools at a time.
But one thing l discover is that those poor schools are those who dont use whip, like example of Climax College I gave you.
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The school I graduated from never used whips on students and trust me, CDM Academy Int'l is one of the best if not the best Secondary School in Benue State. Google it out if you like!
Forget about that; how do you know is one of the best?
You think is one of the best, because its in your area.
Or may be they make waec results there?
That is not the parameter used for best schools.
How many schools have you competed with in Nigeria?
Experience is the best teacher o boy;
I'm talking from 17years experince of teaching.
Another bad effect of not using whip is that such students will never learn respect for elders,which is one important aspect of education;mark my words.
I could see the way we were brought up in those days of real discipline in schools: respect for teachers, elders and parents are well taught in schools.
Education is now mixed with sentiment; that is why the society is like this.
Even the most powerful book in the world(the Bible)talks about using of canes/whips: the bible mandated it:not optional Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13,14; 29:15,17.
Do you also believe that a child who lives in a home where they ban use of whip cannot never learn respect and wisdom?
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