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we often fail 2 adhere to ratings of movies most time we see children watching movies rated [VSL] Violence s3x & bad language such has greatly contributed 2 violence among children& youth its high time we do something about this please rummies let me hear what U have 2 say.

Chris Head Mod.
I think it's the fault of the parents, most African parents either overlook the effects of these movies or are simply undeducated enough to understand the effects it would eventually have on their kids
this is the 1st time that i'll have to disagree wit u chris, it's shouldn't be entirely the parents. Wat about underage teenagers who can already tell their left from right n don't need any1 to control them? I dont think any self respecting teenage kid wud gladly watch those movies.
All my enemy will dance skelewu 2 hell.
this is the 1st time that i'll have to disagree wit u chris, it's shouldn't be entirely the parents. Wat about underage teenagers who can already tell their left from right n don't need any1 to control them? I dont think any self respecting teenage kid wud gladly watch those movies.
I agree with you jennifer, but don't you think those disrespectful teens learnt d habits from peers(friends they keep) as well as their parents?
i think Jennifer is on point.bcos parents are nt always around 2 monitor their child.beside sum kids are green snake under d green grass,pretendingto be good when mom & dad are around@Marvis wat do u mean by they learnt it from their parents
my life-my business,U gossip - Ur headache, I flex - U vex, U beef-Ur problem, I Achieve -U provoke.
As A Parent U Suppose To Know D Kind Of Friends Ur Kids Keep. U Allow Them To Bring Their Friends Home. If U See They Are Not D Rite Type U Cut Them Off 4rm Ur Kids & Let Ur Kids Know D Reason Why U Did That
& Also Young Daniel U Forgot That They Say Charity Begins At Home. Wat A Child Does He Starts It At Home & His Parents Never Caution Him/her
Children tend to put whatever they 've seen on TV into practice, that is why you see them calling themselves Commando, Undertaker, John Cena e.t.c... It is totally the duty of the parents to decide what the children are to be exposed to, be it their peers or anything, even the choice of school!
Children tend to put whatever they 've seen on TV into practice, that is why you see them calling themselves Commando, Undertaker, John Cena e.t.c... It is totally the duty of the parents to decide what the children are to be exposed to, be it their peers or anything, even the choice of school!
That's absolutely true. I agree with your points Sir-phil
Spottykay Publisher
A Woman Who Had A Flat And She Has Too Kids And That Woman Works In NFVCB(National Film And Video Censors Board).When She Got The House, She Prepared A Room For Her Kids Is Only For Watching Cartoon Which Is Good
Even some cartoons aren't that safe anymore!
Spottykay Publisher
ok let me give a confession about one of her son's reaction when he watched a cartoon i dnt know d name but after he watched the cartoon he had a nightmare saying'mummy,mummy he's chasing' running randomly in his room saying it

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