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Mr A
Poultry farming is probably the easiest business you could engage in as a newbie farmer. Yes, a lot of people are into small scale poultry farming, but when you consider the amount of chicken that is consumed on a daily basis, then you begin to realise that the demand for chicken is always on the rise. About half the population of nigeria eat a product of chicken everyday (eggs, fried chicken, meat pie, pepper soup, e.t.c)

This business has the capacity to fetch you enough money to take care of a family, if you know what you are doing. On the other hand, if you neglect your poultry and allow them to be malnourished, you will miss out on any potential revenue.
Poultry farming is most commonly taken up by housewives, old retired people and young people who are willing to fend for themselves. The handfull of young people who ignore poultry rearing do so because of the following reasons:

- Farm space. Especially if they have little ground space around their house or if they live with someone who will not tolerate the smell.
- It requires full time attention: Chicken, just like any other farm animal should be fed and fended for daily since you would be keeping them in cages where they won't have the freedom to eat and drink freely.
- They do not have the startup capital: I'm talking cages, chicken feed, feeding equipment, egg racks e.t.c
- They cannot bear the smell.
- Stress in cleaning out dung from the cages and feeding the poultry.
- They think it would be embarrassing to their friends.

But at the end of the day all these troubles are worth the revenue. You would earn enough to even hire someone to do all the hard work for you.

Reasons Why Poultry Farming Is Revenue Inclined

Rapid Growth Rate: Chicken grows very quickly. An egg takes roughly 21 days to hatch, and then from chick to full grown chicken would require about 26 weeks. So if you have 500 eggs right now, you would have 500 chicks in about 21 days. And in 26 weeks, 500 chicken would bee ready for sale. 500 x 2500 = Do the math.

Revenue per Chicken: In nigeria, one live chicken is sold for about N2,500. The more chicken you have in your farm, the bigger your revenue. The good thing is, you don't even need to buy eggs, your chicken will lay more eggs than you can keep, that way your farm keeps growing and you will constantly have more chicken to sell.
One healthy chicken can lay up to 5 eggs per week. So if you have 500 mature chicken right now, and each one of them lays 5 eggs in one week, you would have 500 x 5 = 2,500 eggs in one week alone. The eggs would then produce mature 2,500 mature chicken in about 26 weeks, not forgetting that you would keep getting roughly 2,500 eggs every week.

Revenue From Eggs: More than half of the population of any country eats an egg-based breakfast everyday. From meals like toast, scrambled eggs, pancakes, fried eggs and noodles, yam and egg stew, scotch egg, moi-moi, and salad; to baked or fried snacks which are made with eggs including bread, cake, chin-chin, doughnuts, biscuits e.t.c.
The interesting thing is that since you will not actually buy these eggs, you can sell them at any price you want. If you can reduce your price per crate a tad lower than that of your competitors, you would become the go to guy or lady for eggs. All you're concerned about is that you have an egg producing machine at your backyard or wherever your chicken farm is. How cool is that?

It is all imaginable. The benefits of poultry farming is limitless if you plan it out.
Now that you know what to expect, questions that would perhaps run through your mind would be: How do I start? What breed of chicken should I start with? How much capital do I need to start a chicken farm? Should I start with a chicken or an egg? and so on.

Business Plan (Guide) To Startup A Poultry Farm

To begin work on your new business, you have to draw out a guide to help you know what to expect and how to tackle them as well as the costs for setup materials.

How Do You Want To Raise The Chickens?: Decide on whether you want it to be house-arrest style or freestyle. In more formal terms, chickens are basically raised in two ways, either by raising them conventionally in barns or by letting them roam freely and naturally around the compound. The latter would be ok for a small farm. If you plan to focus on the egg market, then you must raise them in a barn or cage.

Choose Type Of Chicken To Rear: Broilers are chickens raised for their meat, while Layers are chickens raised for their eggs. Layers are like egg factories, they can lay from 5 to 7 eggs per week. Broilers lay eggs too but not as often as Layers do.
You may even decide to raise some other type of bird like guinea fowl, turkeys, geese or ducks.

Market Sector For Your Poultry:
If you have plans to employ hands to assist you in the farm, you could divide your farm into sections, one for collecting and incubating eggs, another for raising and feeding chickens. But if you are going to run this business alone, focusing on one sector or niche is best and will increase your notoriety for that particular sector. Layer chickens are best for egg farms while Broilers are more appropriate for chicken farms.

Follow @JalingoHQ on twitter.
I wish i had enough money to invest this type of business, but finding a suitable place for the business where you will arrange and put the chickens will be another problem. You will definitely enjoy this type of business if everything mentioned in this article available with you.

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