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Head Mod.
A friend just asked me this, so i decided to get opinions from you guys..
Most students depend on their parents for pocket money and school fees..... But what do u do when it's not enough.... or when you need to pay for something in an emergency situation?
What ways can a student make extra cash while in school?

Of course, he can make an extra income if he can engage himself in doing the right business that will be giving him the income. Selling recharge card will be of help to him because i know of a guy who is doing so and he is earning a living. The guy used to add an extra ten naira to his price that is he is selling it at #110.
Chris Head Mod.
But will that be a good idea? since others will sell at N100.... Also, i think the profit from recharge card business is not that much.
But will that be a good idea? since others will sell at N100.... Also, i think the profit from recharge card business is not that much.
Yes although the profit is not much but he can manage with it
The profit is not small Chris, think about selling 50cards a day which is very possible since they are so in demand.
  Another sure way is getting a photocopier, that can also generate a lot of income if properly planned hence students tend to easily get hand outs via their photocopies.
Yes this will also help me too
Personally, I borowed a printer, with my mini laptop I can help the students their bio-data each semester hence everything is online and I earn peanuts though its a king of competitive.
Chris Head Mod.
Sounds like a good idea. We could print assignments, projects, post ume forms e.t.c The only problem is getting a printer. How big is the one u are using sir-phil?
It is a laser jet printer of medium size.
You wouldn't have any need to get a modern fast link device if the school wifi is strong and available for students. Ours is readily available for 2hrs per username of each student, so we employ a cheat of using other'r username which is simply their Matric Number for as long as you want to stay connected.
Please how much does a good printer costs? The one that is manufactured with scanner on it
I cant be precise. The smallest or least amount you can get a small sized printer of that kind is arround 7-8-9 thousand Naira.
 It is highly dependent on you choice of market.
Okay Sir-phil i would love to see an attached picture of the one you are using.
Like I 've said earlier, that printer was borrowed. We are on break now and I saw no wisdom in keeping it with me for that period, so...
I had to return it. If only you would love to see an attachment of one-of-a-kind printer.
Ok thanks Sir-phil

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