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Mr Paul
What is the first thing created by God apart from angels?
Also, give account of the time it was created in the Bible.

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Spottykay Publisher
but how will someone one get a date of wen it was made
Not the date, but the account of how it was created in the Bible.
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Spottykay Publisher
God said"let land produce seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it according to their various kinds and it was so. GENESIS 1:11
That is too far from the answer, because that one took place on the third day of creation.
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The first thing God created was LIGHT.
The Bible recorded, ''The earth was without form and darkness covered the waters. God said, let there be light! And there was light. And God saw that this was good, so...''
@Sir-Phil, is not light; Light was created on the first day of the week and on the record for God's days of created; do you know that God has created something before light?
Read verses 1 and 2 and tell me the answer. I want you to reason deeper and get the answer.
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Yeeeeeeees! ''In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth.''
You are now talking; many people dont look at that verse one;they just go straight to verse 3.
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Yeah you are right. I often thought only those with the words 'Let there be' mattered.
O yes, not only you; many thought it so.
A pastor was telling me yesterday that when he began to make serious research on Genesis 1:1, he almost develop 3,000 questions from it.
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